
Wi-Fi Network: uhregistered
There is a hidden SSID called “uhregistered” that has been created and optimized for connecting your IPTV and gaming devices as well as printers and certain other devices. The network is an unsecured network with no encryption, The SSID is not broadcast in an effort to reduce noise and management traffic in the building. The only way to access the uhregistered network is by pre-registering your devices’ MAC address with UIT. While your IPTV and gaming devices may initially work on other SSIDs upcoming changes to those SSIDs will render those devices incapable of accessing the network so using uhregistered is the best way to ensure uninterrupted service.
How to Register your Roku or Gaming Device
The process for registering your device to enable it to work on the uhregistered SSID is simple. You simply log in to Access UH and look for the icon that says uhregistered. Once you click the icon you will be taken through a few easy steps that will help you register your device. You will need the MAC address of the device you wish to register in order to complete the process. If you don’t know how to find you MAC please watch our short video or read this FAQ. There you will find some helpful advice on the most popular devices. Once you complete the process of registering your device you will receive a confirmation e-mail from UIT informing you that you device will now work on the network. This registration is good for (enrollment length). Prior to your registration expiring you will receive a reminder e-mail to renew your registration if you still need the device to access the network.