Service Management - University of Houston
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Service Management

UIT Service Portfolio

Academic | Administrative | Core Services | Research | Download PDF

ID Service Name Description of Service Business Owner UIT Service Manager UHS? Additional Info
1 Classroom Technologies Support Maintenance, incident support, and installation assistance for classroom technologies in general purpose classrooms. Portable equipment checkout, classroom technology training and assistance designing technology spaces. Jeffrey Morgan Kirven McKissic No


2 Streaming Services - Academic (MediaSite) Administration of technologies to support the distribution of streaming media for academic use. Jeffrey Morgan Matthew Castillo No


3 AI Chatbot Provision of AI chat services for UHS units. Administration (A&F) Diane Trippel Yes


 4 Annual Financial Reporting BI Service Administration of Hyperion and data warehouse business intelligence technologies used to support the financial reporting office. Lavonda Luckett/ Financial Reporting Office Robert Li Yes


5 Audio and Video Production Production of audio and video for events and to produce marketing videos for colleges and departments. Administration (A&F) Matthew Castillo No


 6 Budget Planning Service (CoogPlan) Administration of business intelligence and data warehouse technologies to support the UHS/UH planning and budgeting system. Barbara Duarte/ Budget Office Robert Li Yes


7 Business Process Optimization IS Enhancing and customizing the PeopleSoft system to streamline financial operations and improve overall efficiency. Jordan Scorsone

Muhammad Soonasra



8 Campus subscriptions to IT professional organizations (Educause) Membership to IT organizations like Educause to access IT research papers, industry benchmarks, and collaborate with industry peers. Administration (A&F)

Sonia Morales



9 Computer Labs (SHRL common areas) Management of computing labs including desktops, laptops, printers and other peripherals. SHRL Kirven McKissic No


10 CRM Services 
Administration of customer relationship management tool (faq [gethelp knowledge base], chat [gethelp spark], and email distribution [SendIt]).  Administration (A&F) Robert Birkline No


 11 Dashboards and Data Analytics (Tableau BI) Administration of BI technologies such as data extractor, dashboards to facilitate decision making (e.g., enrollment management, SHRL). Various: Enrollment Management, Institutional Research, Finance, HR, IT Robert Li Yes


12 Device Management (MS SCCM, Intune, Jamf) Administration of client management including centralized and remote desktops/laptops/mobile devices for image installations, application upgrades, security patches, remote assistance, and enforcement of prohibited technologies. Administration (A&F) Andy Moon; Mark Norgan No



Digital Signage (Reach Media Networks)

Administration of the centralized application that controls campus electronic displays, and support of electronic displays installed in UIT-managed areas. Administration (A&F) Mark Rosanes No


14 Electronic Access Control System (LENEL, AccessNSite) Administration of the application/database servers and data integration for the LENEL and AccessNSite access control system used for electronic access to campus buildings. David Oliver Tuong Ho No


15 Email Protection (Proofpoint) Administration of email flow to reduce malware, spam and abuse of email. Administration (A&F) Eric Mims Yes


16 Employee Training (TAP) Administration of the Training Access Portal (TAP) for UHS employees. Gaston Reinoso Fidel Ramirez Yes


17 Endpoint protection (CrowdStrike) Administration of endpoint protection services restricting malware. Administration (A&F) Eric Mims Yes


18 Enterprise Application Security Assessments/Data Feed Review Management of security assessments of enterprise systems and data feeds to identify security risks and offer mitigation strategies for reducing or eliminating risk. Administration (A&F) Anthony Scaturro Yes


19 Federated Single Sign-On (MS 365) Administration and deployment of Single Sign-On (SSO) integration using Microsoft 365 (MS 365) as the SSO authentication source (Identity Provider). Departments/Colleges with appropriately configured and approved on-premise and/or cloud applications may request approval and implementation services for SSO integration to MS 365. Administration (A&F) Tuong Ho No


20 Federated Single Sign-On (Shibboleth) Administration of the federated Single Sign-On using Shibboleth Identity Provider (IdP) Service in conjunction with federation memberships (e.g., InCommon and Texas Trust). Administration (A&F) Keith Martin No


21 Financial Management Reporting BI service Administration of Hyperion and data warehouse business intelligence technologies to facilitate UHS/UH financial management reporting and data analytics. Barbara Duarte/ Budget Office Robert Li Yes


22 Grants Management IS (PeopleSoft Grants Management) Management and support of enterprise PeopleSoft application for research grants administration. David Schultz Muhammad Soonasra Yes


23 Hosted Services Server administration of virtual server infrastructure (for supported versions of Microsoft Windows Server and Red Hat Enterprise Linux) located in the computing center and managed by UIT. Services provided to colleges and divisions through a Service Level Agreement. Administration (A&F) Shivi Pawa; Reggie Beavers No


24 Hosted Services Security Assessments Assessments of hosted service security elements and recommended controls for protection of UHS data. Administration (A&F) Anthony Scaturro Yes


25 Housing Management System and Self-Services (RMS Mercury) Administration of housing management system for current and future residents for managing housing applications, room assignments, and check-ins. Don Yackley Tuong Ho Yes


26 Incident Management: Forensics, Response & Reporting Management of security incident investigation and documentation. Administration (A&F) Eric Mims Yes


27 Intrusion/Duress Alarm Systems Management of intrusion alarm systems that detect physical access to monitored areas and duress alarms. Ceaser Moore James Schexneider No


28 IT Facilities-as-a-Service (UIT Co-location Facility) Provision of IT Facilities-as-a-Service (FaaS) for co-locating servers for colleges/divisions who want to operate their equipment in the secure, centrally managed UIT Co-location Facility. UIT provides the facility (building, security, power and network) while the servers are managed by the college/division. Administration (A&F) John Gillet Yes


29 IT Project Management Project portfolio and project management of IT projects related to capital projects and network infrastructure projects. Administration (A&F) Rita Barrantes No


30 IT Service Assurance Management of the IT Service Assurance program to provide annual IT service metrics to colleges and divisions. Administration (A&F) Rita Barrantes Yes


31 Legacy Student IS (LegacySIS) Administration of UH/UHV legacy student data and transcripts. Scott Sawyer Tuong Ho Yes


32 Non-emergency Text Messaging and Automated Phone Calling (Twilio) Assistance with setting up non-emergency text messaging and automated phone calling services for departments on campus using Twilio. Administration (A&F) Robert Birkline No


33 Parking Management System (T2) Administration of parking application to manage citations, fines, parking decals, and applications. Emily Messa Tuong Ho No


34 Pay Television (CampusTV) Acquisition and distribution of satellite television channels on campus. Technology administration of IPTV services to provide video programming over the University's data network on a cost-recovery basis. Administration (A&F) Matthew Castillo No


35 Point-of-Sales Systems (Agilysys, Grubhub Ultimate) Administration of PoS systems for processing of payments, installed in multiple campus stores and locations. Emily Messa Tuong Ho No


36 Public Safety Radio Distributed Antenna System (DAS) Management of technology infrastructure for specialized DAS service installed in multiple campus locations under the UH Police Department request. Ceaser Moore Charles Way No


37 Queuing and Appointment System (CougarQ) Administration and development of virtual queueing and appointment system. Emily Messa Tuong Ho No


38 Security Awareness Communications and Training Provision of information security awareness communications, training, and presentations, including the delivery of mandatory employee security awareness training. Development of custom awareness workshops tailored to the specific needs of a college, division or department. Administration (A&F) Jana Chvatal Yes


39 Security Camera Systems Management of technology infrastructure for surveillance cameras installed in multiple campus locations. Ceaser Moore James Schexneider No


40 Security Operations Center D​aily monitoring and identification of incoming security threats to the university network. Administration (A&F) Eric Mims Yes


41 Security Risk and Compliance Assessments Management of security risk assessments of data and IT assets to identify security risks and offer mitigation strategies for reducing or eliminating risk. Administration (A&F) Jana Chvatal Yes


42 Security Systems Design Planning and design of physical security systems, access control, video surveillance, intrusion/duress alarm systems and emergency call stations. UHPD Charles Way Yes


43 Software Distribution Management of campus-wide site licenses and license distribution and download. Administration (A&F) Kirven McKissic Yes


44 Streaming Services - Administrative (Vimeo, YouTube, Facebook, Teams, Zoom) Administration of technologies to support the distribution of streaming media for non-academic use. Administration (A&F) Matthew Castillo No


45 Student IS (Enrollment) Administration of enterprise Student Information System (SIS):  recruiting via Slate, admissions, records & enrollment, room scheduling, academic advising, degree audit, international student services, SIS security & ID management, campus community, student self-service and external integrations. Katina McGhee Khalid Bhatti Yes


46 Student IS (Financial Aid) Administration of enterprise student systems: ISIR, Pell Grants, Direct Loan, FISAP, Work Study, and external integrations. Katina McGhee Leo Moreno Yes


47 Student IS (Graduate Admissions) Administration of enterprise student systems: graduate admissions processing and professional and medical schools support. Katina McGhee Khalid Bhatti Yes


48 Student IS (Institutional Research and Effectiveness) Administration of enterprise student systems: Institutional Research, Coordinating Board reporting. Katina McGhee Leo Moreno Yes


49 Student IS (Student Financials) Administration of enterprise student systems: tuition and fee calculation, book loans, billing, accounts receivables, general ledger interface, and external integrations. Katina McGhee Leo Moreno Yes


50 Student Training/Title IX Training Administration of student training portal for UHS students. Rebecca Lake Fidel Ramirez Yes


51 Technology Reviews  (Campus/Colleges/Divisions) Management of the Technology Review (TR) program that provides technology consulting and comprehensive assessment of IT services. Administration (A&F) Rita Barrantes Yes


52 Time & Effort Reporting IS (Maximus ERS) Administration of Time & Effort reporting application for Principal Investigators (PIs) to certify time and effort on research grant / contract projects. David Schultz Muhammad Soonasra No


53 Unified Dashboard Administration and development of the unified dashboard for various systems including AccessUH, A&F KPI, Finance, HR, LUG and UIT. Administration (A&F) Tuong Ho Yes


54 University Calendar (LiveWhale) Administration of the comprehensive university-wide events calendar that is used for both web and mobile views. UH Marketing Robert Birkline No


55 Video Conferencing Design (Administrative Conference Rooms) Design consultation of administrative video conferencing facilities for use by the community in designated areas. Administration (A&F) Kirven McKissic No


56 Vulnerability Scanning Administration of vulnerability scanning for internal and external IP addresses and web applications to identify vulnerabilities that need to be mitigated. Administration (A&F) Gautam Taneja Yes


57 Web Publishing/Design Provision of professional services for web publishing and design. Web and mobile application design and development. Administration (A&F) Robert Birkline No


58 Account and Access Management (Remedy) Administration of accounts for UH faculty, staff, and students for the purpose of supporting instructional, research, and administrative systems. (CougarNet and web accounts). Administration (A&F) Kimberly Moody No


59 Answerpoint for UH Main Listed Number (University Call Center) Management of incoming calls to University main phone number 3-1000, including response to inquiries as first point of contact and call routing. Administration (A&F) Kirven McKissic No


60 Backup Services (IBM Spectrum Protect) Provision of data backup services for University servers with mission critical data. Administration (A&F) Reggie Beavers No



Call Center Services (Genesys)

Administration of call center services to manage call routing in support of multiple University helpdesk services. Various (e.g., Enrollment Services, UIT Customer Support, UH Contact Center, ISSSO, FIXIT, UH Parking). John Kojak No


62 Collaboration Services (SharePoint, Office 365) Administration of MS SharePoint and Office 365 for the purpose of supporting collaboration in all UH environments. Administration (A&F) Andy Moon No


63 Cougar Card System (Atrium) Administration of multi-purpose university access card used for services such as dining, convenience stores, building access, events, and printing. Emily Messa Tuong Ho No


64 DHCP Services (IP Addresses) Allocation of IP addresses for University resources, servers and printers. Administration (A&F) Charles Chambers No


65 Directory Services (LDAP/Active Directory) Administration of domain services and hierarchical directory of organizational resources such as users, computers, printers, and sites. Administration (A&F) Shivi Pawa Yes


66 Domain Name Service (DNS) Administration of registration and operations of Domain Name Service for the University's domains. These include "", "", and "". Administration (A&F) Charles Chambers Yes


67 Email (Exchange) Administration and service support of the campus email services. Administration (A&F) Andy Moon No


68 Emergency Management System (Everbridge) Administration of the emergency notification system to handle campus communications during emergency situations. Ginger Walker Mark Rosanes Yes


69 Emergency Telephony Services Management of campus safety telephony services such as code blue (SIP), elevator lines (analog) and ring down phones (SIP). Ceasar Moore Charles Way Yes


70 Employee Self-Service (PASS) Administration of the self-service enterprise PeopleSoft solution to access HR services. Gaston Reinoso Keith Martin Yes


71 Enterprise Process Document Imaging Administration of the enterprise document imaging solution for capturing and storing documents integrated with PeopleSoft ERP solutions. Administration (A&F) Muhammad Soonasra Yes


72 Enterprise Systems Infrastructure Management of physical and virtual server infrastructure located in the UH Data center, PGH and Victoria. Includes database administration for campus solutions, HR/payroll , finance, AccessUH and other data centric services. Various (e.g., Administration, Colleges, Divisions) Keith Martin Yes


73 Facilities Management (AssetWorks) Provision of data integration for the facilities management system. David Oliver Tuong Ho No


74 Fax Services (Digital and Analog) Administration of digital and analog fax services available to administrative units. Administration (A&F) John Kojak No


75 File Shares Management of file shares for multiple departmental units. Provides space and access to university files shares and CougarNet space for shared services to physically store your profile and files. Administration (A&F) Shivi Pawa No


76 Financial IS (PeopleSoft Finance) Administration of the enterprise financial solution PeopleSoft Finance for UHS/UH. Usha Mathew Mike Chang Yes


77 Human Resources IS (PeopleSoft HR and Payroll) Administration of human resource solution for timesheet management, performance management, compensation, and other personnel information. Gaston Reinoso Keith Martin Yes


78 IT Support/HelpDesk Provision of help desk support of UIT services by telephone, chat, walk-ins, email, text, and FAQs. Administration (A&F) Kirven McKissic No


79 Learning Management System (Canvas) Consulting and oversight of the Learning Management System (LMS) for course delivery. Jeffrey Morgan Fidel Ramirez Yes


80 Marketing and Communication Email Distribution (SendIt) Administration of technologies in support of bulk email communications for marketing/communications purposes. Administration (A&F) Mark Rosanes No


81 Mass Email (Listserv) Provision of internal Listserv software for group email communications including emergency class email distribution. Administration (A&F) Robert Birkline No


82 Mobile Services (Modo) Administration of Modo Campus App, a Content Management System, that provides a platform to create and publish content to the University mobile app, UH Go. Lisa Holdeman (Modo) Jody Gillit No


83 Monitoring Data Center and Networks Monitoring of UH data centers and network infrastructure. Administration (A&F) V. Bull Yes


84 Multi-Factor Authentication Integration Service (Duo) Provision of multi-factor authentication (MFA/2FA) integration and services for UH mission critical applications. Provides the user with the ability to enter a second factor authentication (e.g., Push to Phone/Approve, SMS PassCode, Hardware Token, WebAuthn) of something they have after entering something they know (username/password). Administration (A&F) Shivi Pawa Yes


85 Network Connectivity (Internet, Internet2, Intranet) Management of network services including Internet, Internet2, and Intranet. Administration (A&F) Charles Chambers Yes


86 Portal Services (AccessUH) Administration and development of the University single sign-on portal used for accessing multiple campus applications. Administration (A&F) Tuong Ho No


87 Portal Services (TAP) Administration and development of a single sign-on portal used for accessing UHS applications for UHD, UHV and UHCL campuses. Administration (A&F) Tuong Ho Yes


88 Printing Services (UniPrint) Administration of centralized printing solution and support of print kiosks in computing labs and high-density areas. Administration (A&F) Andy Moon No


89 Secure Socket Layer Certificates Administration and monitoring of SSL certificates for campus servers and domains. Administration (A&F) Jana Chvatal Yes


90 Telephone Services (Long Distance) Administration of long-distance (international and national) telephone services available on campus by using authorization codes. Administration (A&F) John Kojak No


91 Ticketing System (Crow Canyon) Administration of the ticketing system for the University of Houston including IT and other colleges and divisions. Administration (A&F) Kimberly Moody No


92 Unified Communications ( MS Teams Telephony) Administration and deployment of unified communications (telephony, voicemail, IM, video conferencing, desktop collaboration). Administration (A&F) John Kojak No


93 Video Conferencing (MS Teams, Zoom) Administration of classroom video conferencing to provide distance education through interactive video. Jeff Morgan Kirven McKissic Yes


94 Virtual Private Network (VPN) Management of authenticated and secure remote (off-campus) access to campus computing resources. Administration (A&F) Charles Chambers Yes


95 Web Content Management System (Cascade CMS) Administration of the University solution for web content management. UH Marketing Robert Birkline No


96 Web Load Balancing (NetScaler) Provision of load balancing and SSL off-loading for web services. Administration (A&F) Charles Chambers Yes


97 Web Presence ( Administration of the UHS/UH main website. UH Marketing Robert Birkline Yes


98 Wi-Fi (UHSecure, UHGuest, Eduroam) Administration, management, and support of campus Wi-Fi services. UHSecure (authenticated - faculty/staff/students), UHGuest (open - guests), Eduroam (authenticated - UHS, HigherEd participants).  Administration (A&F); Don Yackley (SHRL); Eve Esch (DSA) Brandon Stratton No


99 Wired Campus Network (access network) Management of the wired network infrastructure providing access network to the community. Administration (A&F) James Schexneider No


100 Wired Campus Network (core and distribution network) Management of the wired network infrastructure providing inter-building network connectivity. Administration (A&F) Charles Chambers No


101 Wired System Network Management of the core wired network infrastructure providing network interconnections across the UH System Universities. Administration (A&F) Charles Chambers Yes


102 High Performance Computing (RCC) Management of high performance computing technologies for research purposes. Research system administration specializing in clusters as well as stand alone. DSI – Claudia Neuhauser Keith Crabb Yes


103 High Performance Research Networks (LEARN, RenoH) Management of high bandwidth network for high performance computing needs. Administration (A&F) Charles Chambers Yes


104 Research Compliance IS (Click ICON System) Management and support of Click ICON system for Research Integrity and Oversight office (IRB, IACUC and COI). Laura Gutierrez Muhammad Soonasra No


105 Science DMZ Networks Management of high performance network connectivity to research labs. Administration (A&F) Charles Chambers No



UIT Service Manager:

UIT Director or Manager accountable for the service, and responsible for the technology, support, marketing, and communications.

Business Owner:

Person representing a University college/division/unit/entity responsible for defining the business needs of the service, the operational service levels needs, and for allocating financial and human resources to the provision of the service.