Finding Your ID Number
Don't know your UH Identification Number (UHID)?
If you have one of the new black Cougar 1Cards, then your student ID number is listed as a 9-character number on the back. Be sure to include the first two initial letters, as well.
(e.g.: Hxxxxxxxx)

Don't know your Employee ID?
UH Main Campus Employees
If you do not know your Employee Identification Number, look on your pay advice sheet (also known as a "pay stub") or contact your Department Business Administrator.

Don't know your Cougar Card number?
If you have a red Cougar Card, then your student ID number is the 16-digit number on the front of the card.
(e.g.: 601814xxxxxxxxxx)

Don't know any of these ID numbers?
If you do not know your UH Identification Number, Employee ID, or Cougar Card number, you can also use the last 5 digits of your Social Security Number.