Computer Labs Not Managed by UIT
Available to All (UH) | Limited Access
The lab information below reflects the Spring 2025 calendar.
Department of Biology and Biochemistry
Located in room 402 Houston Science Center, this lab is open from Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. For more information call 713-743-9976.
Genetics and Biology Computing Lab
Located in the Science Building, (room 106 Science Teaching Laboratory - STL) this lab is open from Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. when it's not open then it's being used for a class. For more information call 713-743-9976.
Available to All Students, Faculty and Staff
M.D. Anderson Library Computer Labs
There are two computer labs on floor 1 of MD Anderson Library. The North Lab, located across from the Service Desk, offers about 27 Windows desktops, 18 Bring Your Own Device stations, 16 Windows desktops with lockdown browser installed, and 6 ADA workstations. Printing, scanning, and photocopying are available. Black-and-white and color printing stations are available in the North Lab. The South Lab, located behind the Service Desk, offers 3 Windows desktops for public use. Public computers have a 3-hour time limit and printing is unavailable. The South Lab includes the Hamill Foundation Studio for audio recording.
Limited Access Labs
Bauer Lab (BDT)
Located in room 272 Melcher Hall, next to the Student Lounge. This lab is open from Monday – Thursday 8:00AM to 7:00PM and Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM. This lab offers 30 computers. Monochrome and color printing for a fee. For more information contact the Bauer Help Desk at 713-743-4871.
Website: Bauer Computer Lab | Bauer College of Business at UH
Available To: Business Students
Center for Information Technology in Education
Located in room 300 Farish Hall. The lab has standard and specialized software for educational coursework. Review the CITE Computing Environment page for computer availability or contact the CITE Lab at 713-743-9833 for more information.
Available To: Students currently enrolled in College of Education classes
Capacity: 140 students
Justin Dart, Jr. Students Accessibility Center
The Justin Dart, Jr. Student Accessibility Center labs are now open for the fall/spring semesters. The hours will be Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 4:45 PM (for registered students).
- We have a Multipurpose room with 7 adjustable desks and each has a computer unit which students can sign in using there cougarnet username and password. There is also a printer for academic purpose use of no cost to students. (Note the printer does not have color printing).
- There is also an Assistive Technology Lab for registered students who may need assistive technology. This lab has standard and adaptive hardware and software such as: Fusion lab edition, Dragon for speech to text, Tactile graph for accessible design, Braille embosser with Duxbury and Tactile view, Refreshable Braille display, Slate and stylus for practicing reading and writing Braille, CCTV for video magnifier. For more information call 713-743-5400, or email
Available To: Students who are registered with the Students Accessibility Center.
Communications Technology Center (CTC)
Located in room 234 Communications, fall & spring hours are from 8:30AM to 8:30PM on Monday to Thursday and 8:30AM to 4:00PM on Friday. For more information call 713-743-5328. For more information call 713-743-5328.
Available To: Communication Students
Capacity: 64 students
Architecture and Design (CoAD) Computer Lab
The Architecture and Design (CoAD) Computer Lab offers a variety of programs on the windows platform allowing students to create drawings, BIM models, parametric models and solid models. Spring & Fall Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday: 8AM to 9PM ONLY (no weekends)/Summer Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday from 9AM to 3PM. For more information, please visit our CoAD Computer Lab website.
Available To: Architecture Majors and Students enrolled in CoAD classes
Engineering Computing Center
Located in room W129 Engineering Building D3, this lab is open Mon-Fri from 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.; Sat & Sun 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM for the fall/spring semesters. The ECC provides a variety of engineering software. For more information call 713-743-4241.
Website: Engineering Computing Center site
Available To: Engineering Students
Honors Center
Located in room 210 M.D. Anderson Library, the lab hours for fall/spring are from Mon - Thurs 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the lab hours for summer are from Mon - Frid 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information call 713-743-9010.
Available To: Honors Students
Language Commons (formerly Language Acquisition Center)
Located in room 217 Agnes Arnold Hall, as part of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS), the Language Commons (LC) is a student and faculty support unit for the Department of Hispanic Studies (HS) and Department of Modern and Classical Languages (MCL) and provides interactive tutorials, word processing capabilities, dictionaries, and Internet access for the study of world languages, literatures, and cultures. The LC maintains a comprehensive collection of educational and cultural films and documentaries and software. This lab is open Monday to Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m during the fall/ spring semester and summer hours are from Monday to Thursday from 9:00 am to 4:00pm. For more information please e-mail
Website: Language Commons
Available To: Hispanic Studies and Modern and Classical Languages students
Optometry Computer Lab
Located in room 2219 Optometry, Fall/Spring hours are Monday - Thursday from 8AM-8PM, Friday from 8AM - 5PM, Saturday - Sunday from 12PM - 5PM / Summer hours are Monday - Friday from 8AM - 5PM, closed on Saturday and open on Sunday from 1PM - 5PM. For more information call 713-743-1910.
Available To: Optometry Students
Psychology/Statistics Computer Lab
Located in room 203 Heyne Building, the lab hours are Mon - Frid 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. For more information call 713-743-8531.
Available To: Graduate Psychology and Statistics Students
Student Housing and Residential Life Computer Labs
Located in Cyber Lounge E016 University Lofts, room 1007 Cougar Place, room S104 Cougar Village I, room S101 Cougar Village II, room 112 Moody Towers, room 1009 The Quad and room 109D Bayou Oaks. These labs are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For more information call 832-842-6093.
Available To: UH Residents
Sociology Data Lab
Located in room 484 PGH (Phillip Guthrie Hoffman Hall), this lab is open M-F 8am-5pm upon request in the Sociology Department Office (450 PGH). This lab has data analysis packages. For questions or concerns, please contact the Sociology Department at 713-743-3940.
Available To: Sociology Students
Technology Division Computing Lab
Located in room 116 Technology Building 2, for fall & spring this lab is open Monday - Friday from 8AM to 9PM and Saturday from 8AM to 1PM / for summer this lab is open Monday through Friday 9:00AM to 8:00PM. Technology Division students will also be able to access virtual computers from home: For more information call 713-743-4232.
Available To: Technology Division Students
Veteran Services Lab
Located in room 202 Student Center North, this lab offers free color/black/white laser printing and scanning services. The computer lab seats 9-10 student-veterans, including one that is ADA compliant. Lab hours are Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Fridays 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the fall and spring semesters. Friday hours of operation are in effect during summer sessions and semester breaks (Monday - Friday). For more information call 832-842-5490.
Available To: Student-Veterans and Benefits-Eligible Dependents