Household-Centered Care Program - University of Houston
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Household-Centered Care Program

hcc-thumb.pngThe Household-Centered Care (HCC) Program at the University of Houston works with families from two communities with the poorest health outcomes in Harris County – the East End and Third Ward. It consists of two parts:

  1. Healthy Connections | Conexiónes Saludables
  2. Interprofessional Teams

The combined efforts of Community Health Workers from Healthy Connections and interprofessional teams of nursing, medical and social work students and faculty, allow us to promote coordinated care to address community health and social service needs.

Who is eligible to participate in the program?

Qualifying for the program is easy. Participants must:

  • be 18 years or older
  • reside in the East End or Third Ward neighborhoods of Houston
  • be willing to have consistent contact with a designated community health worker for a year

For more information, please fill out this program interest form. 

Call: 713-743-6422


Program Flyer

Healthy Connections Postcard