Gessner College of Nursing Scholarships
Visit the UH Financial Aid website for assistance in applying for financial assistance.
Internal Scholarships
How to Apply
All students who receive a scholarship are expected to attend a minimum of one nursing recruitment event or approved event per semester.
- College of Nursing application form
- Financial need (FAFSA)
- Faculty Scholarship Recommendation Form (if required)
Gessner College of Nursing Scholarship Application form and any supporting documentation required for the scholarship application.
Must be sent in one attachment by E-MAIL ONLY to:
- SUMMER: May 1
- FALL: July 1
- SPRING: December 1
Scholarship Opportunities
UG = Undergraduate students
GR = Graduate students
GR = Graduate students
Name | Scholarship Criteria |
Andrew Delaney Endowed Nursing Scholarship UG & GR | Up to $1,000
Bajwa Endowed Nursing Scholarship UG & Traditional BSN Track | Up to $1,000
Dr. Ginger Blomstrom Nursing Scholarship UG & GR | One Time Scholarship
Howard and Barbara Dann Butt Endowed Scholarship UG & GR | Up to $1,000
Friends of Nursing Scholarship UG & GR |
Fred & Mabel Parks Nursing Scholarship UG |
George Foundation Nursing Scholarship UG | Up to $3,600
George and Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation UG | Up to $3,000
Gessner Family Scholarship UG | Up to $30,000
Gulf Coast Medical Foundation UG & GR | Up to $1,500
Hamill Foundation UG & GR | Up to $5,000
HCSS Endowment Scholarship in honor of Dr. Sophie Lin Rydin UG | $4,000
UH Gessner College of Nursing Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Nurse Faculty Loan Program | Provides loan up to $79,000 to RNs in the MSN Nursing Education track, full-time and part-time students, to support the cost of tuition, fees, books, lab expenses, and other reasonable education expenses to enroll and retain graduate students by providing faculty support through mentoring and other training programs. |
Inez German Warren Endowed Scholarship in Nursing UG & GR | Up to $2,000
The Marjorie Akers Hilty Gurasich Endowed Scholarship UG & GR | Up to $500
Nancy Louise McKenna Endowed Scholarship UG or GR | Up to $1,000
Shah Family Endowed Nursing Scholarship UG GR | Up to $1,000
Vivian L. Smith Foundation UG |
David and Kathryn Tart Endowed Scholarship UG & GR | Up to $1, 000
External Scholarships
A - D
- A Nurse I Am Scholarship
-'s Quarterly Mental Health Scholarship for Women Deadline: February 1, May 1, August 1, November 1
- AACN Scholarships Deadlines: March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31
- Affordable Colleges Online - Scholarships for Military Veterans
- AfterCollege/AACN Nursing Scholarship Program Deadlines: March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31
- APNA Janssen Student Scholarships
- Army Nurse Corps Association (ANCA)
- Association of Jamaican Nurses-Greater Houston
- Aya Healthcare Future Travel Nurse Scholarship
- CastleBranch-GNSA Scholarship
- Career Test Scholarship Deadlines: June 1
- Cuidado Casero Foundation Scholarship Deadlines: April 30, 2025
- DelightedCooking LGBTQ+ Awareness Scholarship Deadlines: July 15
- David A. Muir Student Award
- Discover Nursing
E - H
- F. A. Davis Scholarship Deadline: October 31
- FBFN Foundation Scholarship Deadline: March 15, 2025
- Foundation of the National Student Nurses’ Association, Inc. Deadline: January 2021
- Geraldine "Polly" Bednash Scholarship Deadlines: January 31, April 30, July 31, and October 31
- Good Samaritan Foundation
- Greater Houston Community Foundation (GHCF) Must register to view all available nursing scholarships
- Griswald Home Care Bi-Annual Scholarship
- Harris County Medical Society Alliance Nursing Scholarship
- Future Nurse Scholarship Program Deadlines: January 15 & August 1
- HomeQuestionsAnswered Community Service Scholarship Deadlines: July 15
- HeySunday Eco-Warriors Scholarship Deadlines: December 1
- Hispanic Health Coalition Annual Scholarship Program
- HRSA Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program - Deadline: February 25
- HRSA – National Health Service Corp
- Hurst Review/AACN Scholarship Deadlines: January 15 & July 15
I - N
- Live it Up's Quarterly Women in Healthcare Scholarship Deadline: May 1, August 1, November 1, February 1
- Live it Up's Quarterly Community Health Ambassador Scholarship for Nursing Students Deadline: March 1, June 1, September 1, December 1
- Learner's Annual Online Learning Innovator Scholarship Deadline: April 1
- Learner's Annual Mental Health Empowerment Scholarship Deadline: July 1
- March of Dimes Scholarship
- Mometrix Nursing Scholarships
- National Hispanic Health Foundation Scholarship Deadline: September 13
- Navy Medicine Scholarships
- NLN Foundation For Nursing Education
- NPHF/Procter & Gamble Community Service Endowed Scholarship Deadline: December 5
- NPHF/Procter & Gamble Gastroenterology Endowed Scholarship Deadline: December 5
- Annual Nursing & Healthcare Scholarship
- Nurse Journal Scholarships
- Nurses Educational Funds, Inc. (NEF) Deadline: February 1
O - Z
- Promise of Nursing Faculty Fellowship Applicants may apply for up to three (3) semesters at a time
- Pettable Mental Health Importance Scholarship Deadline: November 1
- Rotary Foundation Scholarship
- Scholarship Institute Women's Leadership Scholarship Deadline: July 1
- SmartCapitalMind First Generation Scholarship Deadline: July 15
- Texas Nurses District 9 Foundation
- Texas VFW Auxiliary Scholarship
- The George Foundation
- Top Nutrition Coaching First-Gen Futures Quarterly Scholarship Deadline: December 1, March 1, June 1, September 1
- Top Nutrition Coaching Annual Heroes' Legacy Scholarship Deadline: April 1
- The Health Board Nursing No Essay Scholarship Deadline: July 15
- UH Graduate School Fund
- UH Graduate School
- UH Navy Nurse Candidate Program (NCP) Nurse Corps Application time period: July 1 - September 1
- V Nutrition & Wellness LGTBQ+ Scholarship Deadline: July 1
- VeryVery's Empowering Motherhood Annual Scholarship Deadline: February 1