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Administrative Sanctions

Acquaintance sexual assault prevention:

  • Trust your gut. If you don't feel comfortable in a situation, leave it.

  • Be careful when inviting someone into your home, or going to someone else's home. These are the places that most acquaintance rapes occur.

  • Communicate with your partner. Be firm, don't send mixed messages, be clear with your partner what you are comfortable doing.

  • Be aware and independent on dates. Have opinions on what you will do, pay your own way, provide your own transportation.

  • Be aware of alcohol and drugs. They can compromise your judgement, and the judgement of your partner.

  • If things start to get out of hand, leave, protest loudly. Don't wait for someone else to help. If things feel uncomfortable, leave.

  • When going out with someone new, don't feel you have to go alone. Go on a group date, go out and meet a group of friends, meet in a public place.

  • Socialize with people who share your values. If you are with someone who is more sexually permissive than you they might perceive you as sharing those values.

  • Avoid falling for lines such as "If you loved me." If your partner loved you they would respect your feelings and wait till you are ready.




Other tips to prevent becoming a victim of sexual assault:


  • Lock all doors and windows at all times.

  • Replace or re-key locks when you move into a new home or apartment.

  • Install a door viewer and a 1" deadbolt lock and make sure you have the only keys to your home.

  • Leave outside and inside lights on at night. Use lights in more than one room.

  • Pull all drapes and blinds completely closed to prevent someone seeing in from outside.

  • Leave a TV or radio on so it does not appear you are alone.

  • If you live alone, use your initials only on mailboxes and in the telephone directory.

  • Never open your door to a stranger. Require identification from all repairmen, salesmen, etc.

  • If you receive an obscene phone call, hang up and call the police.

  • Do not give personal information over the telephone.


  • Never pick up hitchhikers.

  • Make certain you have enough gas to get to your destination.

  • Park in well-lighted areas. When returning to your car, have your car keys ready so you can enter without delay, and look into the back seat.

  • If possible, travel on well-lighted streets and avoid isolated back roads and shortcuts.

  • Never leave your house keys with your car keys at a service station or parking lot.

  • Keep car doors locked at all times and car windows rolled up when possible.

  • If you have car trouble, raise the hood, get back inside and lock all doors. If anybody stops to offer help, do not get out of your car. Roll the window down only enough to convey your message and ask them to call the police. Keep a "SEND POLICE" sign inside your vehicle and some change for telephone calls.


  • Never accept a ride or hitchhike.

  • Stay in well-lighted areas and avoid shortcuts, vacant lots and other deserted areas.

  • When possible, avoid walking alone or walk in areas where other people are present.

  • Walk facing traffic; if a driver does stop and ask directions, avoid getting too near the car.


  • Children should be made aware of the dangers of accepting rides from, talking to or opening doors to strangers.

  • Children should be encouraged to talk to their parents should a problem occur with a stranger, friend or relative.

  • Children should know a safe, well traveled route to and from school, avoiding isolated areas.

  • Teenaged baby-sitters should accept jobs only with people they know.

  • Baby-sitters should be instructed to call the police if anything suspicious happens. They should never open the door to strangers.

  • The sitter's parents should be called at the end of the evening to inform them that the sitter will be home shortly.

  • Parents should be well versed in their children's activities.