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Safety Training

American Red Cross Lifeguard Certification Course

The American Red Cross Lifeguarding training provides individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to keep patrons of aquatic facilities safe in and around water.


Start Date Time Sat & Sun Time Register By
Friday, Mar 21 4 - 7 pm Mar 22 - 23 8 am - 6 pm 3/18/2025
Friday, Apr 18  4 - 7 pm Apr 19 -20 8 am - 6 pm 4/15/2025

Start Date Time Sat & Sun Time Register By
Friday, May 16 4 - 7 pm May 17 - 18 8 am - 6 pm  5/12/2025
Friday, Jun 6 4 - 7 pm Jun 7 - 8  8 am - 6 pm 6/3/2025



Course Prerequisites:
These are generally performed during the first few hours of class. Failure to successfully complete these skills will result in your removal from the course with no refund.

  • Students bring proof of age (15 years of age by the last day of class).
  • Swim 300 yards continuously (non-stop)using either breaststroke or front crawl. Swimming must have coordinated arm and leg movement with rhythmic breathing (face in the water and turning head for a breath). Arms should come out of the water during the front crawl.
  • Tread water in the deep end of the pool for 2 minutes using only the legs.
  • Swim 20 yards, surface dive to a depth of 7-10 feet, retrieve a 10-pound object, return to the surface, and swim 20 yards face up (on your back)back to the starting point holding the object with two hands in under 1 minute and 40 seconds. Time stops when the brick is put on the deck and the participant exits the water onto the deck without using a ladder/stairs.

Lunch and Breaks:
Lunch - Lunch breaks are provided each day. There are some restaurants located across the street; however, time will be limited.
Break - There will be small 5 to 10-minute breaks throughout the class.

Items Provided for the Course:
American Red Cross Lifeguard Training Book for use during the course
CPR Resuscitation Mask for use during the course
American Red Cross Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED certificate An email with a link for your certificate will come from the American Red Cross within one week following course completion.

Items Needed for the Course:
One-piece swimsuit, several towels, goggles (for the 300) and swim cap if needed, hair ties for long hair, an extra change of clothing-including sweatshirt/pants (the rooms can be cool), pen or pencil, notebook for notes, and food and drinks for the day.

Lifeguard Fact Sheet for interested participants.

Note: Class may be let out early each day due to advanced course progression or instructor discretion. The minimum enrollment for a class is 5 individuals–if this minimum is not met, you have the option for a full refund or rescheduling for a different course date.

Register: Purchase the course at the CRWC-Welcome Desk - Member Service. Major credit cards are accepted.

Registration and Cancellation

Registration for all safety training courses can be completed in person at the Campus Recreation and Wellness Center Welcome Desk - Member Services. Member registration and payments can be done online through UH recreation portal. Registration closes the Wednesday prior to a new session. This assures that we have an accurate count when planning for instructors. Once you're registered, refunds are only provided with a doctor's note stating you are unable to participate.

For questions, comments or more information, please stop by the Aquatics office in the CRWC Natatorium or call 713-743-SWIM (7946).


American Red Cross Adult and Pediatric CPR/AED & First Aid

Adult, Child, and Infant CPR/AED and First Aid Training will give participants the ability to recognize and respond appropriately to cardiac and first aid emergencies. Upon successful completion of the course, an Adult and Pediatric First Aid and CPR/AED certification will be awarded. This is valid for two years.

 Date  Days  Time  Registration Deadline

Price: $95.00

Register: Purchase the course at the CRWC Welcome Desk -Member Service. Major credit cards are accepted.

Fact Sheet First Aid CPR for interested participants.

Note: Minimum enrollment for a class is 5 individuals–if this minimum is not met, you have the option for a full refund or rescheduling for a later course date.