Campus Services at Sugar Land - University of Houston
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Hours of Operation

The Albert & Mamie George Building, Brazos Hall and the Sugar Land Academic Building are open the following hours.

Spring Semester Building Hours January 13 - May 8

MON-FRI7:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.
SAT7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

The buildings will be on reduced hours during Spring Break: March 10-14, 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Closed March 15-16.

No entry after 9 p.m. Security will be on-site till class time ends and occupants have vacated.

Please call 832-842-2900 to inquire about hours during holidays or between semesters.

University Branch Library hours

The University Branch Library's hours are managed by the Fort Bend County Libraries (FBCL) System. Check the Library's website for details as well as information about available services.

Campus Desitations

Campus Destinations

The University of Houston at Sugar Land is located at the intersection of UH 59 south and University Boulevard, just northeast of the Brazos River, one exit south of Sweetwater/First Colony Boulevard.

Take a Virtual Tour of our instructional site, powered by YouVisit.

We offer large state-of-the-art classrooms, computer and multipurpose labs, as well as a campus library and coffee shop.

Cougar Corner
Transportation Services
Virtual Tour
Facilities Directory

Enrollment Services

Student Services

As an instructional site of the University of Houston, UH at Sugar Land offers services from the UH Division of Student Affairs. Events and services are provided on select days of the week and all students are invited to use these resources.

Enrollment Services
Career Services
Counseling & Psychological Services
Student Accessibility Center
Veteran Services Virtual Office

Information Technology

Information Technology

UH at Sugar Land has a variety of technology resources for use by faculty and students. This technology includes computing, multimedia, videoconferencing and telecommunications resources. The Information Technology team (IT) is responsible for operating and maintaining the technology and assisting faculty and students with its use.

Connect to WiFi
IT Service Catalog
Computer Labs