
The University Branch Library serves the UH at Sugar Land students, faculty, staff and community. A Fort Bend County Libraries card is needed to borrow any items and may be obtained during library business hours.
Please check the Fort Bend County Library System page for the University Branch's hours.
Academic Liaisons
Academic liaisons at University Branch offer the following services to students and faculty. For more information contact the Academic Liaisons below or email
Library Resources
Academic Reserves: Borrow reserved books for in-house use only in exchange for a driver’s license. Call 281-633-5150 or email the liaisons to check on a textbook reservation.
UH Research Databases Guidance: Students receive guidance as a group or one-on-one. Email the academic liaison to make an appointment.
Citation Assistance: Individual or study groups can request APA or MLA documentation/citation assistance. Email the academic liaison to make an appointment.
Pick-up for UH Library items: Pick up requested items from UH at the University Branch (select “Sugar Land library” as the pick up location) and return UH library items at University Branch.
Study Rooms: Private rooms are available for two-hour periods per person/group per day. First come, first served. Bring a current student ID or a driver’s license to reserve a space.
Suggest a title: Emailing the academic liaisons with complete information (Title, author, ISBN number, class associated with the book).
Academic Reserves: Place materials on reserve for students in your UH Sugar Land classes. Call 281-633-5150 or email the liaisons for assistance.
Library Services Orientation: This service acquaints students with library liaison services and facilities. Fill out a UH at Sugar Land Library Orientation Request Form and email it to
Coordinated Instruction: A brief introduction to the library along with research guidance regarding a particular assignment. Liaisons offer instruction to students in their classrooms. Fill out a UH Sugar Land Library Orientation Request Form and email it to
Meeting Rooms: Offer programs of interest to our library patrons and community. Review the Meeting Room policies and procedures information on the branch's website.
Suggest a title: Academic journals/periodicals also part of our collection. Suggest the acquisition of library materials for classes by emailing the liaisons with complete information (Title, author, ISBN number, class that is associated with the book).