Smart Financial Centre Provides Parking Relief for UH Sugar Land
Parking lots at UH Sugar Land are getting crowded, but thanks to the City of Sugar Land, the campus will be getting some relief. Starting Tuesday, Sept. 4, faculty, staff and students from UH Sugar Land and Wharton County Junior College may park their vehicles in a designated area at the Smart Financial Centre at Sugar Land, 18111 Lexington Blvd, across the street from our campus. The designated lots will be open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. All vehicles must vacate the parking area by 3 p.m. or risk being towed. All vehicles must display a parking permit. Drivers can access the lots from Lexington Blvd. and Taborwood on the far side of the Smart Financial Center, then walk or take the shuttle to the campus. The regular campus shuttles will make the Smart Financial Centre part of their regular stops to and from the main campus. Please check the Shuttle Schedule for arrivals and departures.
Thanks to the City of Sugar Land for their help as the campus continues to grow.
Faculty and students using the Shuttle Service to and from the main campus must have a special shuttle decal to place on their Cougar Card. With increased ridership on the shuttles, each seat must be used only by those students or faculty with classes on both campuses.
Shuttle decals are free and can be secured at the UH Sugar Land Campus Support Services and at the UH College of Technology Dean’s Office.
Parking permits are required to park at UH Sugar Land and the Smart Financial Centre overflow lot. They can be secured—free of charge—at the UH Sugar Land Campus Support Services room 101 AMG and at the UH College of Technology Dean’s Office.
For more information, contact UH Campus Support Services at or call 832-842-2940.