County Proclamation for UH College of Nursing
May 11, 2021
Fort Bend County Judge K. P. George honored the University of Houston College of Nursing with a proclamation to recognize the work and commitment of faculty, staff and students during the pandemic.

“The University of Houston College Of Nursing…has been an invaluable partner in COVID-19 vaccine administration by providing students and faculty in service at sites throughout the County,” he read.
At the regular meeting of Commissioners Court, Judge George proclaimed May 6- 12, National Nurses Week.
Teams of faculty, staff, students and alumni volunteered hundreds of hours to assist in various clinics and vaccination sites across Fort Bend County and greater Houston. These have included sites at the Fort Bend County Annex, Smart Financial Centre and the Fort Bend County Fairgrounds, among others.
In anticipation of the need, the college changed its curriculum for the spring semester specifically to prepare students to help the community by administering COVID-19 vaccines. Students participated in a boot camp to learn the basics of taking vital signs, donning and doffing personal protective equipment and administering intermuscular injections.
“I am so proud of our College and our students who will be the next nurse educators, clinicians and leaders for our industry,” said Kathryn Tart, professor and founding dean of the college. “Our students will recall years from now how they were part of a national and global effort to vaccinate and protect our community from COVID-19. This is nursing.”
“The clinical health services nurses in Fort Bend County are heroes who make our communities healthier by contributing to our community as volunteers, advocates, health educators and providers of preventive, primary and critical health services,” the proclamation read.