Faculty Honors
University of Houston Awards
These CLASS faculty members were recognized on April 14, 2016 during the Faculty Excellence Awards ceremony:

Moores Professor: Susan Scarrow
The Moores Professorship is a five-year, renewable professorship that is awarded to UH faculty in recognition of outstanding teaching, research, and service. The purpose of the Moores Professorship is to encourage and support continued excellence by providing funds for individual career development. Recipients receive an annual stipend of $10,000.
Teaching Excellence Awards
The Teaching Excellence Awards recognize the achievements of faculty in nine categories: Teaching Excellence, Provost's Core, Instructional Technology, Instructor/Clinical, Graduate Teaching, Community Engagement, Career, Group Teaching, and Distinguished Leadership in Teaching Excellence.
Category: Teaching Excellence:
This award is given to faculty in recognition of outstanding achievement in teaching. Recipients are honored with a trophy and an $8,000 prize.

Associate professor of
communication sciences
and disorders

professor and director of
the French Program

associate professor of history
Category: Provost's Core:
This award is given to faculty in recognition of outstanding teaching in the core curriculum. Recipients are honored with a trophy and an $8,000 prize.
Category: Instructor/Clinical
This award is given in recognition of outstanding teaching by faculty instructors, clinical faculty, research faculty, artist affiliates, and lecturers. Recipients are honored with a trophy and an $8,000 prize.


Modern and Classical Languages

Health and Human Performance

Modern and Classical Languages

Department of English
Category: Graduate Teaching Assistant
This award is given to graduate students in recognition of outstanding teaching. Recipients are honored with a trophy and an $3,500 prize.
Awards for Excellence in Research, Scholarship or Creative Activity
Two awards are presented at each rank – Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Full Professor – to those individuals who have demonstrated great potential, a growing record or a substantial continuing record of outstanding research, scholarship or creative endeavors and contributions. Recipients are honored with a trophy and an $8,000 prize.

professor of psychology

professor of economics

assistant professor
of art history