Graduation FAQs
Overview | Approval Process | Graduation Checklist | Students & Guests | FAQ
When is the ceremony? Where is the ceremony?
Please refer to our Graduation Overview webpage for information.
How do I know if I am graduating with honors?
Undergraduate students who complete their degree requirements will graduate with the stated academic honors if they achieve the following grade point averages earned in the last 54 hours (all of which must be letter-grade courses: A, B, C, etc.) completed at the University of Houston. Grades of S, U, I and W are not assigned grade point values and are not used in the computation of the grade point average.
Honors Grade Point Averages | |
3.90 to 4.0 | Summa Cum Laude (with highest honors) |
3.70 to 3.89 | Magna Cum Laude (with high honors) |
3.50 to 3.69 | Cum Laude (with honors) |
Further, the honors calculation will include all hours completed in the semester in which the first of those final 54 hours was completed.
How can I stay connected to the College of Education and the University of Houston?
Learn more about our alumni and keep your contact information up to date on the COE Alumni page. Also, stay connected through the UH Alumni Association.
What color gown, hood and tassel should I have?
Bachelor’s degree: black gown, light blue tassel
Master’s degree: black gown, light blue hood, black tassel
Doctor of Education: black gown, light blue hood, red tassel
Doctor of Philosophy: black gown, dark blue hood, red tassel
What do I do with my rented cap and gown after the ceremony?
The UH Bookstore will have representatives posted in the line-up area and on the concourse of the pavilion to receive your regalia.
How long is the ceremony?
We tell students to prepare for at least a two-hour program.
How do I get my pictures from the photographer?
Contact Flash Photography at 1-800-410-8070.
What do I do with my belongings – purse, coat, hangers, etc.?
We ask that graduates leave all personal items in their car or with guests. We have no secure place to store these and will not be responsible for lost or stolen items.
What if I want to leave before the ceremony is over?
Graduates are not allowed to leave the floor before the ceremony is over. We want to preserve the dignity of the program and don't want to distract others.
I completed my program in summer. Can I walk in the December ceremony?
Yes, the December ceremony is for our summer and fall graduates.