Students and Guests
Overview | Approval Process | Graduation Checklist | Students & Guests | FAQ
Maps & Parking
Guests with Special Needs
- Volunteers will be assigned to help guests with special needs get into and out of the facility.
- Special seating will be available for guests in wheelchairs or using walkers and anyone who cannot navigate the stairs.
- One escort will be permitted to accompany the guest.
- Sign language interpretation will be provided during the ceremony.
- Students who have disabilities can request accommodations through the UHCOE Commencement Coordinator.
- Please make contact at least 14 business days in advance to arrange accommodations.
Audience Courtesy
The College of Education is very proud of the accomplishments of every student and want the ceremony to be a pleasant experience for everyone. We ask the audience to respect participants and guests by remaining in their seats until all of the graduates have been recognized and the ceremony has concluded.
In consideration of the speakers, cell phones should be turned off or put on silent during the ceremony. Please try to keep young children from running up and down the aisles once the ceremony starts, and exit with crying babies to the lobby area. Unfortunately babysitting services are not provided.
For Your Safety
Although the University of Houston does not anticipate any security problems during the ceremony, we will be taking special measures to ensure the safety of everyone who attends.
The following items are prohibited on campus:
- Alcohol
- Illegal drugs/paraphernalia
- Weapons of any kind, including firearms and knives
- Animals except for registered guide dogs
The following items will not be allowed at the venue:
- Strollers
- Balloons
- Air horns
Security will be screening for these items at the venue. Smoking is not permitted inside the facility. These policies are subject to change without notice.