Graduate Curriculog Submissions - University of Houston
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Information Session Coming - Summer 2024!



Substantive Priority Deadline: Likely to require GPSC approval

Open: June 17, 2024

Close: October 31, 2024


Substantive Deadline: Proposal might not be completed in time to be included in the next catalog

Open: June 17, 2024

Close: November 29, 2024


Non-Substantive Deadline: Proposals must be submitted by the deadline, no exceptions

Open: January 31, 2025

Close: March 31, 2025

Substantive vs Non-Substantive Changes

SUBSTANTIVE: Substantive edits to the academic catalogs involve changes that impact policies or curriculum (such as courses, degrees, etc.) and must be approved through the appropriate review processes, including faculty committee review and the Graduate and Professional Studies Committee (GPSC), among others. Examples below.

  • Altering the previously approved admissions or graduation requirements of a program
  • Reorganization of required & elective coursework
  • Creating a new elective track/concentration/specialization
  • Discontinuing an existing elective track/concentration/specialization
  • Creating a new certificate or program
  • Increasing or decreasing semester credit hours (SCH)
  • Semester Credit Hour (SCH)
  • Classification of Instructional Program (CIP)
  • Degree Title
  • Program consolidations, transfers or closures
  • Mode of delivery


Steps to Submit Substantive Proposals

  1. Complete a Notification Memo (SAMPLE) detailed info can be found at the Academic Programming Website.
  2. The proposal will be assigned a GPSC number if all required documents are attached (catalog language, cover page/memo, and new courses created if needed)
  3. Once approved by the Provost, the full proposal will be submitted to the THECB for review (if necessary).
  4. At the conclusion of the approval process, the Academic Programs will send an email notification with all relevant documentation to the faculty contact that submitted the proposal.
  5. Academic Programs will notify all relevant UH stakeholders to proceed in implementing the new certificate into UH data systems.
  6. See more detailed information at the Academic Program Planning Website


NON-SUBSTANTIVE: Non-substantive edits to the academic catalogs consists of changes to descriptive language, contact information, etc.; these are not conditional edits to policies or curriculum (courses, degrees, etc.) that must be approved through faculty committee review, the Graduate and Professional Studies Committee (GPSC), and beyond. Examples below. 

  • Language
    • Mostly to:
      • Introductory Paragraphs
      • About the College pages
      • Changes to policies supported by a previously approved substantive GPSC proposal i.e. low-grade policy edit was approved by GPSC and the college policy page needs to be edited due to that.
  • Update page Contact Info
    • Mostly to:
      • Department/College Contact Info
      • Changes to faculty and leadership/administrators
      • List of student organizations/services


Steps to Submit Non-Substantive Proposals

  1. Non-Substantive Catalog Revision Template (25-26) (download as a copy)
  2. Submit Catalog edits via Curriculog using Form 7a
    • Access Curriculog
    • Start Proposal 7a
    • Attach document to Proposal (must have track changes)
    • Launch Proposal
    • Approve Proposal


Forms (All Required)