Shared IT Governance and Shared Services - University of Houston
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Shared IT Governance and Shared Services

IT services provided to the UH community are guided by shared IT governance. The University has 16 colleges and five divisions, each with a distributed IT organization. The management of each is responsible for administering and protecting its IT resources. Through the Technology Partners Program (TPP), UIT collaborates with colleges and divisions to develop procedures and establish internal controls for IT resources in the following areas: Risk Management, Resource Security, Project Management, Resource Management, and Service Continuity Management.

IT decision-making is a collaboration among the UH senior executive team, business owners, Student Government Association, Faculty Senate, Staff Council and other key governance groups.

UIT offers the Technology Review (CTR) and IT Service Assurance programs to UHS campuses and UH units. These programs provide a comprehensive assessment that enables us to collaborate and understand the unit’s IT operations, recommend industry best practices, promote shared services and communicate new UIT initiatives. Shared services have repeatedly produced substantial savings, enabling coordinated and efficient service delivery. They achieve economies of scale and free our Technology Partners to invest their resources in delivering local support and specialized services.

As part of shared IT governance, there are three policy roles defined in MAPP 10.03.06:

  • College/Division Information Resource Manager (C/D-IRM): The most senior administrator who is responsible for managing the college or division’s information resources,
  • College/Division Technology Manager (C/D-TM): An IT professional who is responsible for managing the college or division’s daily information technology operations and projects, and
  • College/Division Information Security Officer (C/D-ISO): An IT professional, usually reporting directly to the IRM, responsible for managing the college or division’s information security functions in accordance with the established policies and guidelines.