Seminar Calendar Archive
Date & Time | Event |
Monday June 17, 2024 11AM PGH 563 |
REU Seminar The nature and control of the illicit medical products trade Nikos Passas, Northeastern University |
Wednesday April 17, 2024 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Advancing End-to-End System Design: A Comprehensive Approach to Memory and Storage Systems Optimization Janki Bhimani, Florida International University |
Friday April 12, 2024 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Learning Symbolic Concepts and Domain-specific Languages Paul Krogmeier, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Wednesday March 27, 2024 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Trustworthy Transfer Learning Jun Wu, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Monday March 25, 2024 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Towards Socially and Environmentally Responsible AI Jianyi Yang |
Wednesday March 20, 2024 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Towards Reliable Data-centric Machine Learning Junfeng Guo, University of Maryland |
Monday March 18, 2024 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar A holistic view of Internet security Liang Wang, Princeton University |
Friday March 8, 2024 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Go Toxic or Go Viral - the use and abuse of social media Chen (Cici) Ling, Boston University |
Monday March 4, 2024 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Hardware-Software Co-design of Efficient and Scalable Deep Learning Chengming Zhang, Indiana University |
Friday March 1, 2024 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Robust Learning with Evolving Data Streams for Personalized Healthcare Jingchao Ni, Amazon - AWS AI Labs |
Monday Feb. 26, 2024 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Empowering Graph Neural Networks for Real-world Tasks Zhichun Guo, University of Notre Dame |
Friday Feb. 23, 2024 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Managing Exa-scale Scientific Data with Error-bounded Lossy Compression Jinyang Liu, University of California, Riverside |
Friday Feb. 16, 2024 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar From Theory to Application: Overparameterization and Machine Learning at the Edge Peizhong Ju, The Ohio State University |
Monday Feb. 12, 2024 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Towards Practical Automated Software Quality Assurance Techniques Via a Holistic Lifespan-based Approach Austin Mordahl, University of Texas at Dallas |
Friday Feb. 9, 2024 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Make LLMs More Accessible: Scale LLM Fine-tuning and Serving Efficiently Zirui Liu, Rice University |
Monday Feb. 5, 2024 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Bridging Humans and Technology: Human-Centered Design for Trust and Collaborative Futures Qiaoning Zhang, University of Michigan |
Friday Feb. 2, 2024 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Building Trust and Safety on Content Creation Platforms Renkai Ma, Pennsylvania State University |
Friday Nov. 17, 2023 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Cryptography in the Blockchain Era Juan Garay, Texas A&M University |
Friday Nov. 3, 2023 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Generative AI Models at UIL Jungfeng Jiao, The University of Texas at Austin |
Friday Oct. 20, 2023 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Shape-Dependent Contrast and Statistical Image Texture Features in Radiological Imaging Mini Das, University of Houston |
Friday Sept. 29, 2023 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Recent Advances in Network Community Detection: Generalized Modularity Density and RenEEL, with Applications in Genetics and Neuroscience Kevin Bassler, University of Houston |
Monday Sept. 25, 2023 5PM MH 150 |
Seminar AI for Cybersecurity and Security of AI Houbing Herbert Song, University of Maryland, Baltimore County |
Friday Sept. 22, 2023 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Extending the Reach of Tensor Units: Advancing Computational Science and Engineering with AI Hardware Panruo Wu, University of Houston |
Friday Sept. 15, 2023 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Computer Science and Healthcare: Challenges and Opportunities Ioannis Kakadiaris, University of Houston |
Mon., July 24, 2023 11AM Online via MS Teams |
Distinguished Seminar Multimodal machine intelligence and its human-centered possibilities Shrikanth (Shri) Narayanan, University of Southern California |
Fri, July 21, 2023 11AM Online via MS Teams |
Seminar Methods for measuring social and conceptual dimensions of Convergence Science Alex Petersen, University of California - Merced |
Wed. June 7, 2023 11AM PGH 563 |
Seminar Dealing with violence and hateful behavior in social networks through language and vision Hugo Jair Escalante, National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (Mexico) |
Wed., April 5, 2023 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Vision-and-language Models: Opportunities and Limitations Vicente Ordoñez, Rice University |
Mon., Feb. 27, 2023 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Attack Surface Reduction through Software Debloating Seyedhamed Ghavamnia, Stony Brook University / SUNY Stony Brook |
Fri., Feb. 24, 2023 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Edge-AI in the Making: Algorithm Design and Theory Sen Lin, Ohio State University |
Wed., Feb. 22, 2023 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Towards Precision Sensing in IoT for Human Interaction, Healthcare, and Beyond Chenhan Xu, University at Buffalo SUNY |
Mon., Feb. 20, 2023 11AM PGH 232 |
Distinguished Seminar Security and Privacy for Distributed Optimization and Learning Nitin Vaidya, Georgetown University |
Fri., Feb 17, 2023 3PM PGH 232 |
Seminar Efficient Deterministic Leader Election for Programmable Matter Shay Kutten, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology |
Fri., Feb. 17, 2023 11AM PGH 232 |
Distinguished Seminar Leaky Models and Unintended Inferences David Evans, University of Virginia |
Mon., Feb. 13, 2023 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Building Trustworthy Machine Learning Systems under Adversarial Environments Ning (Nicole) Wang, Virginia Tech |
Fri., Feb. 10, 2023 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Understanding and Enhancing Microarchitecture Security in the Era of AI and Emerging Hardware Fan Yao, University of Central Florida |
Fri., Feb. 3, 2023 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Securing Critical Cyber Infrastructures and Functionalities via ML Empowered Designs Tao Wang, New Mexico State University |
Mon., Jan. 30, 2023 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Algorithmic Foundation of Parallel Paging and Fast Stencil Computation Rathish Das, University of Liverpool (England) |
Fri, Jan. 27, 2023 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Minimum-Spanning-Trees with Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithms are a-maze-ing! Daniel Biediger, University of Houston |
Mon., Jan. 23, 2023 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Analysis and Generation of Visual Data using Deep Learning Ioannis Patras, Queen Mary University of London |
Tues., Dec. 6, 2022 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Specializing the Computing System for Graph Algorithms Xuhao Chen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Fri., Nov. 4, 2022 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Co-Optimizing Human-System Performance in VR/AR Qi Sun, New York University |
Wed., Nov. 2, 2022 11AM PGH 232 |
Distinguished Seminar Crypto Protocol Analysis with Time and Space Catherine Meadows, Naval Research Laboratory |
Wed., Oct. 26, 2022 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar From Slide Rules to Smartphones J-F Paris, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, University of Houston |
Fri., Sept. 30, 2022 11AM Online via Zoom |
Seminar Sharding and Data Availability Sampling Dankrad Feist, Ethereum Research |
Fri., Sept. 23, 2022 11AM PGH 232 |
Seminar Inspection of Neural Code Intelligence ModelsInspection of Neural Code Intelligence Models Amin Alipour, University of Houston |
Wed., June 1, 2022 PGH 550 |
Seminar The Node Capacitated Clique: Models, Algorithms, and Extensions John Augustine, Indian Institute of Technology Madras |
Tues., May 31, 2022 PGH 550 |
Tutorial Byzantine Resilient Algorithms: Foundations and Applications John Augustine, Indian Institute of Technology Madras |
Wed. March 23, 2022 11AM Hybrid: PGH 232 and Zoom |
Seminar Secure and Trustworthy Distributed Resource Management for Data-intensive Applications Saptarshi Debroy, Hunter College, City University of New York (CUNY) |
Mon. March 21, 2022 11AM Virtual on Zoom |
Seminar Towards Scalable and Efficient Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) Feng Yan, University of Nevada, Reno |
Fri. March 11, 2022 11AM Virtual on Zoom |
Seminar Fairness and Graph Deep Generation through the Lens of Time Wenbin Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University |
Mon. March 7, 2022 11AM Virtual on Zoom |
Seminar AI and Multi-agent Systems for Societal Benefit Arunesh Sinha, Singapore Management University |
Fri. March 4, 2022 11AM Hybrid: PGH 232 and Zoom |
Seminar Probabilistic Machine Learning: Exploring Uncertainties in the Spatial, Temporal, and Deep Architectures' Perspectives Xuhui Fan, University of New South Wales, Sydney |
Wed. March 2, 2022 11AM Hybrid: PGH 232 and Zoom |
Seminar Towards A More Responsible World: When AI, Open Data, and Usable Security Meet Each Other Yunhe Feng, University of Washington |
Mon., February 28, 2022 11AM Virtual on Zoom |
Seminar Non-convex Optimization for Data Science: Models, Algorithms, and Applications Songtao Lu, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center |
Fri. February 25, 2022 11AM Hybrid: PGH 232 and Zoom |
Seminar Resource-efficient Deep Learning: Democratizing AI at Scale Dongkuan (DK) Xu, The Pennsylvania State University |
Mon., February 21, 2022 11AM Hybrid: PGH 232 and Zoom |
Seminar Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning Qian Lou, Samsung Research America |
Fri., February 18, 2022 11AM Hybrid: PGH 232 and Zoom |
Seminar Artificial Intelligence, Security & Privacy Lichao Sun, Lehigh University |
Wed. February 16, 2022 11AM Hybrid: PGH 232 and Zoom |
Seminar Security and privacy in critical applications and services Ruimin Sun, Northeastern University |
Wed. January 26, 2022 11AM Virtual on Zoom |
Seminar Learning from Data Jesús Ubaldo Quevedo-Torrero, University of North Texas |
Fri. January 21, 2022 11AM Virtual on Zoom |
Seminar Decision Trees Bal Krishna Bal, Kathmandu University (Nepal) |
Fri. December 3, 2021 11:00AM Virtual on MS Teams |
Seminar The Hermes BFT Protocol for Blockchains Konstantin “Costas” Busch, Augusta University |
Fri. November 19, 2021 11:00AM Virtual on MS Teams |
Distinguished Seminar Applying Predicate Detection to Discrete Optimization Problems Vijay K. Garg, The University of Texas at Austin |
Mon. April 19, 2021 11:00AM |
Seminar Comment Maintenance as Software Evolves Prof. Jessy Li, The University of Texas at Austin |
Fri. March 12, 2021 11:00AM |
Seminar Towards Deeper Natural Language Understanding Prof. Eduardo Blanco, University of North Texas |
Fri. February 26, 2021 11:00AM |
Seminar On the Challenges of Modeling Complex Human Behaviors from Visual Information Dr. Hugo Escalante, National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (Mexico) |
Wed. February 24, 2021 11:00AM |
Distinguished Seminar ALGORAND: The Truly Distributed Blockchain Prof. Silvio Micali, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Fri. February 5, 2021 11:00AM |
Faculty Seminar Adapting Neural Models to Address Challenges in Information Extraction from Social Media Data Prof. Thamar Solorio, University of Houston |
Mon. November 9, 2020 11:00 AM |
Distinguished Seminar Multimedia Multilingual Event Knowledge Base Construction Prof. Heng Ji, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Wed. October 21, 2020 11:00 AM |
Faculty Seminar Using Deep Neural Networks to Advance Concussion Research Prof. Badri Roysam, University of Houston |
Fri. October 16, 2020 11:00AM |
Seminar Advanced Computational Approaches for Understanding Allele-specific Biology of Complex Diseases Dr. Shilpa Garg, Harvard Medical School |
Wed. October 7, 2020 11:00 AM |
Faculty Seminar Real-time Facial Performance Capture and Manipulation Prof. Zhigang Deng, University of Houston |
Fri. September 4, 2020 11:00 AM |
Faculty Seminar Data Science for Cybersecurity: A Phishing Expedition from 18th Century Literature to Fake News Prof. Rakesh Verma, University of Houston |
Mon., 04/27/2020 PGH 232 CANCELLED |
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar Topic: On the Naturalness of Software, and How to Exploit It Speaker: Dr. Prem Devanbu Host: Alipour |
Mon., 04/20/2020 Online 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topics: Application Agnostic Network Traffic Modeling for Realistic Traffic Generation | Learning to learn: Meta-Learning in Machine Learning | Attending the Emotions to Detect Online Abusive Language | Let Me Choose: From Verbal Context to Font Selection Speakers: Oluwamayowa Adeleke | Mikhail Mekhedkin-Meskhi | Niloofar Safi Samghabadi | Amirreza (Reza) Shirani Hosts: Gnawali, Wu |
Mon., 04/06/2020 Online 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topics: ViPER: Vehicle Pose Estimation using Ultra-WideBand Radios | On the Usefulness of Personality Traits in Opinion-Oriented Tasks | Platform for Interactive Immersion into Imaging Data with an Augmented Reality Interface | Claim Verification Under the Positive-Unlabeled Setting Speakers: Alireza Ansaripour | Marjan Hosseinia | Jose Daniel Velazco-Garcia | Fan Yang Hosts: Gnawali, Wu |
Fri., 04/03/2020 PGH 232 CANCELLED |
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar Topic: In-Memory Computing for Machine Learning Applications and Beyond Speaker: Dr. Xiaobo Sharon Hu Host: A. Cheng |
Mon., 03/30/2020 Online 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topics: Adversarial Deep Reinforcement Learning for Cyber-Physical System Security | Metamorphic Malware Detection Using Behavior Graphs | Quasar: A Novel Density Based Framework for Collocation Mining | Voxel Indexing and Compression Speakers: Taha Eghtesad | Ayman El Aassal | Karima Elgarroussi | Mouad Rifai Hosts: Gnawali, Wu |
Mon., 03/23/2020 PGH 563 CANCELLED |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topics: On the Usefulness of Personality Traits in Opinion-Oriented Tasks | Explainable Generative Adversarial Neural Networks | Claim Verification Under the Positive-Unlabeled Setting Speakers: Marjan Hosseinia | Hadi Mansourifar | Fan Yang Hosts: Gnawali, Wu |
Mon., 03/16/2020 PGH 232 CANCELLED |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Fine-Scale Facial-Animation Capture, Generation, and Manipulation Speaker: Dr. Zhigang Deng Host: Solorio |
Fri., 03/06/2020 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Practicing Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Healthcare Speaker: Dr. Hua Xu Host: Solorio |
Mon., 03/02/2020 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science in Practice Topic: Shrinking Production Incidents Speaker: Annalee Nagami Host: Gnawali |
Wed., 02/26/2020 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Give Me the Full Picture: Using Computer Vision to Understand Visual Frames and Political Communication Speaker: Dr. Michelle Torres Host: Solorio |
Mon., 02/24/2020 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Clustering: Basic Approaches and Their Evaluation Speaker: Dr. Kriti Bhargava Host: Toti |
Mon., 02/17/2020 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: An Overview of Gradient Descent Optimization Algorithms with Implementation in MapReduce Programming Model Speaker: Dr. Kia Teymourian Host: Shi |
Mon., 02/10/2020 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Introduction to Neural Networks Speaker: Dr. Arko Barman Host: Pandurangan |
Fri., 02/07/2020 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Neural Networks and Deep Learning Speaker: Dr. Russel Pears Host: Pandurangan |
Wed., 02/05/2020 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar Topic: Let's Process Information, Not Bits: Architecture's Expensive Data Movement Speaker: Dr. Andrew A. Chien Host: Johnsson |
Tues., 02/04/2020 PGH 563 12:00 PM |
Computer Science Special Talk Topic: Personalizing Our Diner Communications at Grubhub Speaker: Dr. Wai Gen Yee Host: Ordonez |
Fri., 12/06/19 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar Topic: Blockchains and the Future of Distributed Computing Speaker: Dr. Maurice Herlihy Host: Pandurangan |
Fri., 11/22/19 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar Topic: A Practical Unstructured Spline Modeling Platform for Isogeometric Analysis Applications Speaker: Dr. Yongjie Jessica Zhang Host: G. Chen |
Mon., 11/18/19 PGH 232 11:00 AM CANCELLED |
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar Topic: In-Memory Computing for Machine Learning Applications and Beyond Speaker: Dr. Xiaobo Sharon Hu Host: A. Cheng |
Mon., 11/11/19 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science in Practice Topic: IOT - Beyond the Consumer World Speaker: Ron Neyland Host: Laszka |
Mon., 11/04/19 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topics: A Deep Learning based Model for Head and Eye Motion Generation in Three-party Conversations | Visual Summarization of Lecture Videos Speakers: Aobo Jin | Mohammad Rajiur Rahman Hosts: Gnawali, Wu |
Mon., 10/21/19 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topics: Enhancing Magnetic Resonance Imaging by Utilizing Deep Learning and Compressed Sensing Techniques | Using Compression in MPI-IO: Semantics, Implementation, and Evaluation Speakers: Nazanin Beheshti | Siddhesh Pratap Singh Hosts: Gnawali, Wu |
Wed., 10/16/19 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science in Practice Topic: High Performance Computing in Chevron Speaker: Rafael Salas Host: Wu |
Mon., 10/14/19 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Neuroengineering the Future: From Neural interfaces to Creativity Speaker: Dr. Jose Contreras-Vidal Host: Solorio |
Mon., 10/07/19 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topics: SMACK: Subjective Measure of Applied Contextual Knowledge | Unsteady Flow Visualization via Physics Based Pathline Exploration | Impact of hex-mesh structure on simulation quality - A first study Speakers: Mohammed Alshair | Duong Nguyen | Muhammad Naeem Akram Hosts: Gnawali, Wu |
Fri., 10/04/19 Science 120 02:00 PM |
Seminar Topic: Deterministic Leader Election in Programmable Matter Speaker: Dr. William Moses Host: Pandurangan Note: this seminar does not count towards the PhD seminar requirement |
Fri., 10/04/19 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Towards Energy-Efficient Computing in Graphics Processing Units Speaker: Dr. Xin Fu Host: Shi |
Wed., 10/02/19 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Real Time Character Animation: Deformation, Rendering, and Beyond Speaker: Dr. Binh Le Host: Deng |
Mon., 09/30/19 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topics: Incremental Machine Learning Models using a Summarization Matrix for Large Datasets | You Are Not Alone: Helping Users Not to Fall for Phish | Enhancing Subject Matter Assessments Utilizing Augmented Reality and Serious Game Techniques Speakers: Sikder Tahsin Al-Amin | Shahryar Baki | Brian Holtkamp Hosts: Gnawali, Wu |
Mon., 09/23/19 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science in Practice Topic: Optimizing on Predictions from Machine Learning Pipelines Speaker: Dr. Doug Hakkarinen, ConocoPhillips Analytics Innovation Center of Excellence Host: Gabriel |
Fri., 09/20/19 CANCELLED |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Towards Energy-Efficient Computing in Graphics Processing Units Speaker: Dr. Xin Fu Host: Shi |
Mon., 09/16/19 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topics: Fault-Tolerant Regularity-Based Real-Time Virtual Resources | Scalable Distributed Kernel Support Vector Machine Training Speakers: Pavan Kumar Paluri | Ruchi Shah Hosts: Gnawali, Wu |
Mon., 09/09/19 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Finding the Location of Objects in Indoor Environments Using Ultra-Wideband Radios Speaker: Dr. Omprakash Gnawali Host: Solorio |
Fri., 07/12/19 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Autonomous Monitoring of Data Center Operations Speaker: Rong Zheng, McMaster University, Canada Host: Subhlok |
Tues., 06/04/19 PGH 550 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Detecting Targeted Attacks with Machine Learning: Overview and Real-World Examples Speaker: Yinnon Meshi, Palo Alto Networks Host: Verma |
Thurs., 05/09/19 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar Topic: Evolution of the Population Protocol Model Speaker: Prof. James Aspnes, Yale University Host: Pandurangan |
Mon., 04/22/19 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: The Cosmostatistics Initiative - Reshaping Interdisciplinary Science Development Speaker: Dr. Rafael S. de Souza, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Host: Vilalta |
Fri., 04/12/19 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Computing in the Age of Low Memory Speaker: Dr. Amitabh Trehan, Loughborough University, UK Host: Dr. Gopal Pandurangan |
Thurs., 04/11/19 PGH 563 10:00 AM |
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar Topic: Real-Time Computing and the Evolution of Embedded System Designs Speaker: Prof. Tei-Wei Kuo, National Taiwan University Host: A. Cheng |
Mon., 04/01/19 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topic: Generating Coherent and Targeted Emails by Leveraging Deep Neural Learners | Visual Content Analysis of Lecture Videos | Assessing the Impact of Video Compression on Foreground Detection Speakers: Avisha Das | Mohammad Rajiur Rahman | Poonam Beniwal Host: Wu |
Wed., 03/20/19 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Are Face Recognition Systems Biased Relative to Race and Gender? Speaker: Dr. Michael King, Florida Institute of Technology Host: Kakadiaris |
Mon., 03/18/19 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topics: Adversarial Examples in NLP and Potential Solutions from Cybersecurity Principles | Application Agnostic Learning for Realistic Network Traffic Generation | Semi-Supervised Low Light Face Enhancement for Mobile Face Unlock Speakers: Daniel Lee | Oluwamayowa Adeleke | Ha Le Anh Vu |
Wed., 03/06/19 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Clinical NLP and Deep Learning… It’s Complicated Speaker: Dr. Kirk Roberts, UTHealth School of Biomedical Informatics Host: Solorio |
Wed., 02/27/19 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topics: A Novel Data Analysis Framework to Understand US Emotions in Space and Time | Study and Mitigation of Platform Related UWB Ranging Errors | Emphasis Selection by Learning from Label Distributions Speakers: Romita Banerjee | Nour Smaoui | Reza (Amirreza) Shirani |
Wed., 02/20/19 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topic: RRP Edge Computing System: Architecture and challenges | Overlapped Two-Phase algorithm: Improving MPI-IO collective write operation performance | Efficient Distributed Community Detection in the Stochastic Block Model | Light-Weight DBMS for Network Monitoring Speakers: Guangli Dai | Raafat Feki | Reza Fathi | Steve Aigbe |
Mon., 02/18/19 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Fast Packet Processing with eBPF and XDP Speaker: Dr. Marcos A. M. Vieira, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil) Host: Gnawali |
Fri., 02/15/19 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Compression of Convolutional Neural Netwroks Based on Kernal Redundancy Speaker: Dr. Wen-Hung Liao, National Chengchi University (Taiwan) Host: Shah |
Mon., 02/11/19 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: From Theory to Application: Block-Structured Interger Programming Meets Blockchain Speaker: Dr. Lin Chen, University of Houston Host: Wu |
Fri., 02/08/19 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Toward Robust Structure-Aware Hexahedral Meshing Speaker: Dr. Guoning Chen, University of Houston Host: Wu |
Wed., 02/06/19 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topic: Study and Mitigation of Non-Cooperative UWB Interference on Ranging | Open Source Face Recognition Performance Evaluation Package | Imbalance Data Classification in Financial Systems: Challenges and Approaches Speakers: Hessam Mohammadmoradi | Xiang Xu | Hadi Mansourifar |
Wed., 01/30/19 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: AI for Identity & Health Speaker: Dr. Ioannis Kakadiaris, University of Houston Host: Solorio |
Tues., 01/29/19 PGH 563 2:00 PM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Automatic Generation of Temporal Logic Properties Speaker: Prof. Görschwin Fey, Institute of Embedded Systems at Hamburg University of Technology Host: A. Cheng |
Mon., 01/28/19 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science in Practice Topic: Continuous Intelligence - Machine Learning - Delivered Continuously Speaker: George Earle, ThoughtWorks Host: Gnawali |
Fri., 01/18/19 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar Topic: SLATE: Software for Linear Algebra Targeting Exascale Speaker: Dr. Jakub Kurzak, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Host: Wu |
Fri., 12/14/18 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar Topic: Secure Oblivious Storage and Anonymous Communication Through Random Mixing Speaker: Prof. Eli Upfal, Brown University Host: Pandurangan |
Thu., 12/13/18 PGH 232 9:30 AM |
Computer Science Distinguished Tutorial Lecture Topic: Sample Complexity and Uniform Convergence Speaker: Prof. Eli Upfal, Brown University Host: Pandurangan |
Thu., 12/06/18 PGH 550 11:00am |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Dispersion of Mobile Robots on a Graph Speaker: Dr. William K. Moses Jr., Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Host: Pandurangan |
Tue., 11/13/18 Engr. Lecture Hall L2D2 5pm Reception 6pm Seminar |
Data Science Institute Seminar Topic: Bias on the Web Speaker: Dr. Ricardo Baeza-Yates, NTENT & Northeastern Univ. at Silicon Valley Host: Data Science Institute |
Mon., 11/12/18 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar Topic: Gender-Inclusive Software Speaker: Dr. Margaret Burnett, Oregon State University Host: Solorio |
Wed., 11/07/18 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topic: Detecting Nastiness in Social Media | Improved Probabilistic Guarantees for Influence Maximization | An Adaptive Approach for Demand-Response and Latency Control in Distributed Web Services Speakers: Niloofar Safi | Nguyen Dinh Pham | Gandhimathi Velusamy |
Mon., 11/05/18 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topic: Unsupervised Deep Learning Recurrent Model for Audio Fingerprinting | Training Deep Semantic Models: an Adversarial Transfer Learning Approach | Folksonomication: Predicting Tags for Movies from Plot Synopses Using Emotion Flow Encoded Neural Network Speakers: Abraham Báez Suárez | Dainis Boumber | Sudipta Kar |
Fri., 10/26/18 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: DesignSafe: Building a Science Gateway for Natural Hazards Engineering Research Speaker: Josue Balandrano Coronel, DesignSafe Host: Eick |
Wed., 10/24/18 PGH 563 1:00 PM |
Special Presentation Topic: Multi-Modaility Opportunities in Pre-Clinical Imaing with New Cryogen-Free Superconducting MRI and Solid-State PET Speaker: Gilberto Prudencio, MR Solutions Host: Tsekos |
Wed., 10/24/18 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topic: Determining Affine Equivalence of Boolean Functions | Detecting Intruders and Preventing Hackers from Evasion by Tor Circuit Selection | Real-time Facial Expression Reconstruction and Transformation from Video | Satirical News Detection and Analysis Speakers: Luis Moraes | Zechun Cao| Luming Ma | Fan Yang |
Mon., 10/22/18 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Advanced Machine Learning in Genetic Data Speaker: Prof. Wei Ding, University of Massachusetts Boston Host: Eick |
Thu., 10/18/18 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Providing Personalized Learning Guidance in MOOCs by Multi-Source Data Analysis Speaker: Prof. Ming Zhang, Peking University, China Host: Deng |
Wed., 10/17/18 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar Topic: AI for Social Good: Decision Aids for Countering Terrorism, Extinction and Homelessness Speaker: Dr. Milind Tambe, University of Southern California Host: Laszka |
Mon., 10/15/18 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science in Practice Topic: Test Driven Development in the Real World Speaker: Tom Adams, ThoughtWorks Host: Gnawali |
Tue., 10/09/18 Engr. Lecture Hall L2D2 5pm Reception 6pm Seminar |
Data Science Institute Seminar Topic: "Does This Vehicle Belong to You?" Processing the Language of Policing for Improving Police-Community Relations Speaker: Dr. Dan Jurafsky, Stanford Host: Data Science Institute |
Mon., 10/08/18 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topic: Recursive Neural Networks for Named Entity Recognition | Hexahedral Mesh Structure Visualization and Evaluation | UWB Physical Layer Adaptation for Best Ranging Performance within Application Constraints Speakers: Gustavo Aguilar | Cotrik Xu | Hessam Mohammadmordi |
Wed., 10/03/18 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topic: Toward Efficient Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Survival Prediction via Feature Fitting | Robust Tracing and Visualization of Heterogeneous Microvascular Networks Speakers: Hadi Mansourifar | Pavel Govyadinov |
Wed., 09/26/18 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science in Practice Topic: Web Scale – Creating High-Volume High-Availability Services in the Real World Speaker: Scott Roberts, Paycom Host: Gnawali |
Fri., 09/21/18 Cancelled |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: An Application of Mangasarian’s Theorem Speaker: Dr. Michael Laidacker Host: Cheng |
Tue., 09/18/18 Cancelled |
Data Science Institute Seminar Topic: High Performance Computing and Big Data: Challenges for the Future Speaker: Dr. Jack Dongarra (NAE), University of Tennessee & Oakridge National Laboratory Host: Data Science Institute |
Wed., 08/29/18 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science in Practice Topic: From Monolith to Microservices: Why Building Smaller Creates Opportunity for Cleaner Code, Scalability Speaker: Thierry Danard and Dr. Steven Reynolds, INT Host: Subhlok |
Mon., 08/20/18 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar Topic: The Art of Simplicity Speaker: Dr. Venkat Subramaniam, Agile Developer, Inc. & UH Host: Subhlok |
Fri., 06/08/18 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar Topic: Back to the Future: All-Systolic Convolutional Neural Networks Speaker: Dr. H. T. Kung, Harvard University Host: Huang |
Wed., 04/25/18 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topics: Detection of Touching Elongated Cells Using a Stack of Conditional Random Fields | Education and Training Applications of AR and VR | Finding Community Structure in Graphs by Random Walks Speakers: Ali Memariani | Brian Holtkamp | Reza Fathi |
Mon., 04/23/18 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar & Computer Science in Practice Topic: DDos attacks: The Old and the New Speaker: Kevin Long Host: Gnawali |
Fri., 04/13/18 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Event Coreference Resolution by Iteratively Unfolding Inter-dependencies Among Events Speaker: Ruihong Huang Host: Solorio |
Wed., 04/11/18 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Lecture Topic: Classification: Basic Concepts and Techniques Speaker: Abidalrahman Moh’d Host: Gabriel |
Mon., 04/09/18 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Lecture Topic: Processes, Threads, Concurrency, and Synchronization Speaker: Carlos Rincon Host: Rizk |
Fri., 03/30/18 Cancelled |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: An Application of Mangasarian’s Theorem Speaker: Dr. Michael Laidacker, Department of Mathematics, Lamar University Host: Cheng |
Wed., 03/28/18 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topics: Making Consensus-based Decisions in Person Re-identification using a Graph-based Approach | Enhanced Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Detection through MRI-based Augmented-Reality | Deep Imbalanced Attribute Classification using Visual Attention Speakers: Arko Barman | Daniel Biediger | Nikolaos Sarafianos |
Mon., 03/26/18 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science in Practice Topic: Managing Software Projects and Agile Development for the 2020's Speaker: Claudette M. Mital, IBM Host: Gnawali |
Fri., 03/23/18 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar Topic: Are Typical Instances of Combinatorial Optimization Problems Hard to Solve? Speaker: Prof. Prasad Tetali, Georgia Tech Host: Pandurangan |
Wed., 03/07/18 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topics: Experiments with Neural Networks for Small and Large-Scale Authorship Verification | Solutions Using Microsoft HoloLens Augmented Reality (AR) Apps | Scaling and Effectiveness of Email Masquerade Attacks: Exploiting Natural Language Generation Speakers: Marjan Hosseinia | Mohammed Alshair | Shahryar Baki |
Mon., 02/26/18 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Smart Contracts, Search of "Good Generals" , Internet of Value Speaker: Dr. Weidong (Larry) Shi Host: Solorio |
Wed., 02/21/18 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topics: Cost-Delay Aware Web Routing Using Reinforcement Learning | Image Content Analysis in Indexed Captioned Searchable Videos Speakers: Gandhimathi Velusamy | Mohammad Rajiur Rahman |
Mon., 02/05/18 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Proof-of Work Without All the Work Speaker: Prof. Jared Saia Host: Pandurangan |
Wed., 01/24/18 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topics: The Complexity of Leader Election: A Chasm at Diameter Two | A Framework for Transactive Grids for Cities, Neighborhoods, and Homes Speakers: Soumyottam Chatterjee | Nacer Khalil |
Mon., 12/04/17 Cancelled |
Computer Science Distinguished Tutorial Lecture Topic: Sample Complexity and Uniform Convergence Speaker: Prof. Eli Upfal, Brown University Host: Pandurangan |
Fri., 12/01/17 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Building Predictable and Adaptable Mobile Systems Speaker: Dr. Lukasz Ziarek, State University of New York, Buffalo Host: Cheng |
Mon., 11/20/17 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sensing and Reconstruction: A Niche Paradigm of Computational Sciences Speaker: Dr. Nikolaos Tsekos, University of Houston Host: Subhlok |
Wed., 11/15/17 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topics: Effectiveness of a Task-based Residential Energy Efficiency Program in Oahu | Correlation Study on Attributes of Unsteady Flows Speakers: Hessam Mohammadmoradi | Marzieh Berenjkoub |
Thu., 11/02/17 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science in Practice Topic: Self Driving Technology: Clearing the Hype Speaker: Prashanth Viswanath, Texas Instruments Host: Gnawali |
Wed., 11/01/17 Cancelled |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topics: Correlation Study on Attributes of Unsteady Flows | SonicDoor: Scaling Person Identification with Ultrasonic Sensors by Novel Modeling of Shape, Behavior and Walking Patterns Speakers: Marzieh Berenjkoub | Nacer Khalil |
Mon., 10/30/17 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Multimodal Deep Learning Speaker: Dr. Fabio A. Gonzalez, National University of Colombia Host: Solorio |
Tue., 10/24/17 PGH 232 1:00 PM |
Computer Science in Practice Topic: Content Distribution Networks: A Web Server Is Not Enough Speaker: Mr. Gaurab Raj Upadhaya, Limelight Networks Host: Gnawali |
Wed., 10/18/17 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topics: Multi-task Learning for Commercial Brain Computer Interfaces | An Optimization-oriented Framework for Feature Extraction in Flow Visualization Speakers: George Panagopoulos | Lieyu Shi (Soumyottam Chatterjee is unable to present as originally scheduled) |
Mon., 10/16/17 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science in Practice Topic: Crypto-Currencies, Icos, and Blockchain: Why Computer Science Majors or Anyone Should Care Speaker: Dr. Larry Shi, University of Houston Host: Gnawali |
Mon., 10/09/17 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science in Practice Topic: Secure Software Development: Principles and Practice Speaker: Wendy Istvanick, ThoughtWorks Host: Gnawali |
Wed., 10/04/17 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science in Practice Topic: Data Analytics for Corporate Cybersecurity Speaker: Irene Stein & Kashif Khan, Chevron Host: Gnawali |
Mon., 09/25/17 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Focus on Research Topics: Detecting Sockpuppets in Deceptive Opinion Spam | Sequence-to-Sequence and Question Answering Speakers: Marjan Hosseinia | Fan Yang |
Fri., 09/22/17 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar Topic: Resurrecting Laplace's Demon: The Case for Deterministic Models Speaker: Prof. Edward A. Lee, University of California, Berkeley Host: Cheng |
Fri., 09/15/17 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar Topic: Cryptographic Code Obfuscation Speaker: Dr. Brent Waters, University of Texas Host: Solorio |
Thu., 08/24/17 PGH 563 1:00 PM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: GovTech: Transforming Approaches to Delivery of USGS Water Data and Scientific Information Speaker: Mr. Sachin D. Shah & Mr. Daniel K. Pearson, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Host: Alipour |
Thu., 07/06/17 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: A Short Tour of Randomized Techniques in Algorithm Design Speaker: Prof. Sandeep Sen, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Host: Verma |
Fri., 06/23/17 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Tools for Detection of Fault Vulnerabilities in Cryptographic Ciphers Speaker: Prof. Chester Rebeiro, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Host: Verma |
Mon., 05/08/17 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Molecular Underpinning of Postsynaptic Calmodulin-dependent Calcium Signaling Speaker: Prof. Margaret Cheung, University of Houston Host: Gabriel |
Thu., 05/04/17 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Challenges and Methods in Games User Research Speaker: Prof. Pejman Mirza-Babaei from University of Ontario, Canada Host: Deng |
Fri., 04/28/17 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Subject Book: Reforming Data Management in Human Experiments Speaker: Dr. Ioannis Pavlidis, University of Houston Host: Solorio |
Mon., 04/24/17 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Finding Interesting Regions in Spatial and Spatio-temporal Datasets Speaker: Dr. Christoph Eick, University of Houston Host: Shah |
Fri., 04/21/17 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Ethics in Science Lecture Series Topic: Behavioral Concepts and the Sciences of Human Behavior Speaker: Professor Helen Longino, Stanford University Host: Pavlidis |
Mon., 04/10/17 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Towards Exascale Programming Models and Runtime Systems Speaker: Dr. Zoran Budimlic, Rice University Host: Gabriel |
Fri., 04/07/17 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Towards Privacy-Preserving and Secure Mobile Crowd Sensing Speaker: Prof. Ming Li, University of Nevada, Reno Host: Gnawali |
Mon., 04/03/17 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Human-Centered data science for Crisis Informatics Speaker: Marina Kogan, University of Colorado Boulder Host: Pavlidis |
Mon., 03/27/17 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Towards Efficient Architecture Design in IoT Big Data Era: Integrating Intelligence into the Communication Path Speaker: Yang Hu, University of Florida Host: Gabriel |
Fri., 03/24/17 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Towards Practical Program Analysis: Introspection and Adaptation Speaker: Shiyi Wei, University of Maryland Host: Shah |
Wed., 03/22/17 CANCELLED |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Detecting Software Faults Using Graphs Speaker: Prof. Anirban Ghosh, University of Central Missouri Host: Rizk |
Mon., 03/20/17 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Addressing Cybersecurity Risks by Considering Physical, Human, and Economic Aspects Speaker: Prof. Aron Laszka, Vanderbilt University Host: Gnawali |
Fri., 03/10/17 Hilton Hotel Shamrock AB 3:00 PM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Hacking Oil Rigs for Profit Speaker: Weston Hecker, Principal Application Security Engineer/Principal Pentester at NCR Corporation Host: Shi |
Fri., 03/10/17 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Security Analytics for Defeating Automated Internet-scale Threats Speaker: Dr. Aziz Mohaisen, University at Buffalo Host: Gnawali |
Mon., 03/06/17 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Secure Geometric Search on Encrypted Spatial Data Speaker: Boyang Wang, University of Arizona Host: Huang |
Fri., 03/03/17 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: High Performance Computing at Extreme Scale: Resilience, Energy Efficiency, and Scalability Speaker: Panrou Wu, University of California Riverside Host: Pandurangan |
Mon., 02/27/17 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar Topic: The Lovasz Local Lemma and its Algorithmic Aspects Speaker: Prof. Aravind Srinivasan, University of Maryland Host: Pandurangan |
Fri., 02/24/17 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Automated Testing for Large Software Systems Speaker: Dr. Amin Alipour, Oregon State University Host: Rizk |
Mon., 02/20/17 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Breaking the Monolith: Rethinking Storage System Design Speaker: Yue Cheng, Virginia Tech Host: Gabriel |
Mon., 02/20/17 PGH 563 10:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Real-Time Reachability for Safety of Autonomous Systems Speaker: Professor Taylor Johnson, Vanderbilt University Host: Cheng |
Fri., 02/17/17 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Ethics in Science Lecture Series Topic: Insane Asylums and Genetics: How Human Heredity Became a Data Science Speaker: Professor Theodore M. Porter, University of California Host: Pavlidis |
Mon., 01/23/17 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Ethics in Science Lecture Series Topic: The Nature of Pride: The Emotional Origins of Social Rank Speaker: Dr. Jessica Tracy, University of British Columbia Host: Pavlidis |
Wed., 01/18/17 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science in Practice Topic: NoSQL Databases, Advantages and Trade-Offs Speaker: Mr. Pramod Sadalage, ThoughtWorks Host: Ordonez |
Wed., 11/30/16 PGH 563 10:30 AM |
Computer Science in Practice Topic: Cyber Security and the Computer Scientist - How the Fields Meet Speaker: Mr. James M. Morrison, FBI Host: Verma |
Mon., 11/21/16 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar Topic: Material Appearance Modeling Speaker: Dr. Holly Rushmeier, Yale University Host: Solorio |
Fri., 11/18/16 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: The Communication Complexity of Distributed Set-Joins Speaker: Dr. Qin Zhang, Indiana University Host: Pandurangan |
Mon., 11/14/16 F 154 1:00 PM |
Computer Science in Practice Topic: Challenges and Opportunities for Utilizing Cloud Computing at NASA/JSC Speaker: Mr. Michael Koester, NASA JSC Host: Shi |
Fri., 11/04/16 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Rephil: Text to Concepts with Machine Learning Speaker: Mr. Russell Howes, Software Engineer, Google Host: Ordonez |
Mon., 10/17/16 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar Topic: Computational Sociolinguistics Speaker: Prof. Rada Mihalcea, University of Michigan Host: Solorio |
Wed., 10/05/16 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science in Practice Topic: Internet of Things: Unlimited Opportunities Speaker: Mr. Jeremy Jones, Comfort Systems USA Inc. Host: Rizk |
Mon., 10/03/16 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Distinguished Seminar Topic: Cloud services for the Internet of Things Speaker: Dr. Dilma Da Silva Host: Solorio |
Mon., 09/19/16 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Modelling Socio-Emotional Embodied Conversational Agent Speaker: Dr. Catherine Pelachaud, Telecom ParisTech Host: Deng |
Fri., 09/16/16 10:00 AM PGH 563 |
Special Event Topic: Faculty Mini-Talks Speaker: Computer Science Faculty Host: Shah |
Mon., 09/12/16 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Image Segmentation by Spatially Varying Gaussian Mixture Models Speaker: Prof. Christophoros Nikou Host: Kakadiaris |
Wed., 09/07/16 PGH 563 11:30 AM |
Computer Science in Practice Topic: Developing Apps Using Xamarin Forms Speaker: Mr. Muhammad Naviwala & Mr. Anthony Sicignano Host: Rizk |
Mon., 08/29/16 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Effective Teaching Based on Designing and Modeling of 3D Printed Artifacts Speaker: Dr. Stefan Andrei, Chairman of Department of Computer Science, Lamar University Host: Cheng |
Fri., 08/05/16 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Computer Networking Experiments on Protocol Behavior Speaker: Dr. Deniz Gurkan Host: Leiss |
Fri., 07/29/16 PGH 550 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Robust Object Re-Identification in Large Repository for Mobile Visual Search Speaker: Zhu Li Host: Shi |
Wed., 07/20/16 PGH 550 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: State-of-the-Art in Information Security Speaker: Dr. Rolf Oppliger Host: Verma |
Thu., 07/14/16 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Using Data Entanglement to Propagate Redundancy Speaker: Veronica Estrada Galinanes, PhD Candidate at University of Neuchatel, NE, Switzerland; Visiting Scholar, Storage Systems Research Center, UC Santa Cruz, CA Host: Paris |
Fri., 04/08/16 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Prediction Strategies without Loss Speaker: Dr. Rina Panigrahy, Google Host: Pandurangan |
Wed., 04/06/16 PGH 563 11:30 AM |
LUNCH-N-LEARN Topic: Developing Apps Using Xamarin Forms Speaker: Anthony Sicignano and Muhammad Naviwala, Pariveda Solutions Host: Rizk |
Fri., 03/25/16 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Interview with Prof. Leiss Speaker: Prof. Ernst Leiss, University of Houston Host: Pavlidis |
Mon., 03/21/16 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: The Secret Life of Mobile Applications Speaker: Julia Rubin Host: Eick |
Fri., 03/11/16 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Special Seminar - NSF Ethics Series Topic: Public Ethics, Politics, and Sociobiology Speaker: Prof. Myrna Perez Sheldon, Rice University Host: Pavlidis |
Wed., 03/09/16 PGH 563 5:30 PM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: SciFY: Sustainable Sharing of Science and Technology Speaker: Alexandros Tzoumas, SciFY PNPC Technical Manager Host: Kakadiaris |
Tue., 03/08/16 PGH 232 5:30 PM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: RADIO: Robots in Assisted Living Environments Speaker: Dr. Vangelis Karkaletsis & Dr. Theodoros Giannakopoulos Host: Kakadiaris |
Mon., 03/07/16 PGH 563 5:30 PM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Big Data Europe: Using Location to Associate Heterogeneous Information About Events Speaker: Dr. Vangelis Karkaletsis & Dr. Stasinos Konstantopoulos Host: Kakadiaris |
Mon., 03/07/16 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Algorithms for Large Data Analytics via Coresets and Sketches Speaker: Dr. Jeffrey Phillips, University of Utah Host: Pandurangan |
Fri., 03/04/16 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Toward a Secure, Dependable Mobile Internet Speaker: Dr. Guan-Hua (Scott) Tu, University of California, Los Angeles Host: Huang |
Thu., 03/03/16 PGH 550 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Project Mélange: I Know When and Why You Switched from Inglés a Español Speaker: Monojit Choudhury and Kalika Bali Host: Solorio |
Wed., 03/02/16 PGH 563 11:30 AM |
LUNCH-N-LEARN Topic: Modern Software Development Speaker: Anirup Dutta Host: Rizk |
Mon., 02/29/16 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Special Seminar - NSF Ethics Series Topic: Classifying People by Color: How Racial Categories Change Over Time Speaker: Dr. Alberto Martinez, Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin Host: Pavlidis |
Wed., 02/24/16 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Empower the Defender with Unpredictability: Game-Theoretic Approaches for Real-World Security and Sustainability Challenges Speaker: Dr. Fei Fang, University of Southern California Host: Eick |
Mon., 02/22/16 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Automatically Generating Software Documentation from Existing Sources Speaker: Laura Moreno, University of Texas at Dallas Host: Solorio |
Fri., 02/19/16 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Distinguished Speaker Topic: SINR Maps and their Algorithmic Applications in Wireless Communication Speaker: Prof. David Peleg, Weizmann Institute of Science Host: Pandurangan |
Mon., 02/15/16 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: From the Linux Kernel to Cryptography APIs: Supporting and Leveraging Software Product Lines Speaker: Dr. Sarah Nadi, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany Host: Solorio |
Fri., 02/12/16 PGH 563 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Secure Dynamic Spectrum Access: Challenges and Solutions Speaker: Dr. Rui Zhang, University of Hawaii Host: Huang |
Mon., 02/08/16 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Distinguished Speaker Topic: Searching in "Harsh" Environments Speaker: Prof. Ophir Frieder, Georgetown University Host: Ordonez |
Fri., 02/05/16 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: CIP Challenges in an Interconnected World Speaker: Dr. Daniel Devasirvatham: Director, Wireless National User Facility Host: Verma |
Wed., 02/03/16 PGH 563 11:30 AM |
LUNCH-N-LEARN Topic: Securing Critical Infrastructure Through Technology Speaker: Shan Martin Host: Rizk |
Wed., 01/20/16 PGH 232 10:00 AM |
Computer Science Ethics Seminar Topic: Visual Analytics for Big Video Visualization Speaker: Robert S. Laramee, Swansea University Host: Chen |
Fri., 12/11/15 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: New Sparsity Models for Image Smoothing and Segmentation Speaker: Yizhou Yu, Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong Host: Deng |
Fri., 12/04/15 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: The Origin of Social Impulse: E.O. Wilson’s Recent and Controversial Rejection of Kin Selection in Historical Context Speaker: Dr. Abraham H. Gibson, Virginia Tech University Host: Pavlidis |
Fri., 11/20/15 PGH 232 11:00 AM |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Cyber Attacks: From Phenomena to Prediction Speaker: Maochao Xu, Department of Mathematics, Illinois State University Host: Vilalta |
Mon., 11/16/15 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Distinguished Speaker Topic: Big Data Security and Privacy Speaker: Prof. Elisa Bertino, Purdue University Host: Verma |
Fri., 11/13/15 2:00 - 6:00 PM SC Ballroom & Theatre |
Special Event Topic: Computer Science Open House Fall 2015 |
Mon., 11/09/15 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Fault-Based Testing of Combining Algorithms in Access Control Language Policies Speaker: Dr. Yunpeng (Jack) Zhang, Department of Information & Logistics Technology, University of Houston Host: Huang |
Fri., 11/06/15 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Generating Natural-Language Descriptions of Videos in the Wild Speaker: Prof. Raymond Mooney, University of Texas-Austin Host: Solorio |
Wed., 11/04/15 11:30 AM PGH 563 |
LUNCH-N-LEARN Topic: Writing Clean Code: What I Wish I Knew Going Into My Professional Career Speaker: David Bushell; Bradley Holmberg; Scott Lee, Flow-Cal Host: Rizk |
Fri., 10/30/15 9:00 AM SC Ballroom & Theatre |
Special Event Topic: Graduate Research and Scholarship Projects (GRaSP) Day Speaker: UH Graduate Students Host: UH Graduate School |
Mon., 10/26/15 10:30 AM PGH 563 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: The R language and its Dynamic Runtime Speaker: Prof. Carlos Ordonez, UH-Computer Science Host: Subhlok |
Mon., 10/19/15 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Put Yourself in the Shoes of a Sentiment Analysis Tool: The Challenge of Detecting Deceptive Opinions and Irony Speaker: Prof. Paolo Rosso, Polytechnic University of Valencia Host: Solorio |
Fri., 10/16/15 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Location, Location, Location Speaker: Prof. Rong Zheng, McMaster University, Canada Host: Subhlok |
Wed., 10/14/15 1:00 PM PGH 563 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Geometric Modeling and Visualization for Science Speaker: Prof. G. Elisabeta Marai, University of Illinois at Chicago Host: Deng |
Tue., 10/13/15 2:00 PM PGH 563 |
Special Event Topic: Modern Cyber Threats and Practical Security in Action Speaker: Mr. Michael van Strien, Independent Consultant Host: Verma |
Tue., 10/13/15 11:00 AM PGH 563 |
Special Event Topic: Big Data and Cyber Security: A Statistical Viewpoint Speaker: Dr. Davis J. Marchette, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, Virginia Host: Verma |
Wed., 10/07/15 11:30 AM PGH 563 |
LUNCH-N-LEARN Topic: Data Analytics Applications in Traditional Industries Speaker: Dr. Shuxing Cheng, Chevron Host: Rizk |
Fri., 10/02/15 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Enabling Robust and Efficient Distributed Computation in Dynamic Peer-to-Peer Networks Speaker: Prof. Gopal Pandurangan, University of Houston Host: Leiss |
Fri., 09/25/15 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Mapping Cellular Alterations in Brain Tissue Speaker: Prof. Badri Roysam, UH-ECE Host: Kakadiaris |
Fri., 09/18/15 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Facing the I/O Challenge in High Performance Computing Speaker: Prof. Edgar Gabriel, UH-Computer Science Host: Leiss |
Fri., 09/11/15 10:30 AM PGH 232 |
Special Event Topic: Faculty Mini-Talks Speaker: Computer Science Faculty (Dr. Chen, Dr. Eick, Dr. Kakadiaris, Dr. Leiss, Dr. Ordonez, Dr. Pavlidis, Dr. Shah, Dr. Shi, Dr. Subhlok, Dr. A. Cheng, and Dr. Vilalta) Host: Kakadiaris |
Fri., 09/04/15 10:30 AM PGH 232 |
Special Event Topic: Faculty Mini-Talks Speaker: Computer Science Faculty (Dr. Gabriel, Dr. Gnawali, Dr. Huang, Dr. Johnsson, Dr. Pandurangan, Dr. Solorio, Dr. Verma, Dr. Deng and Dr. Tsekos) Host: Kakadiaris |
Wed., 07/15/15 11:00 AM PGH 563 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Binary Code Analysis on OS Kernels: Techniques and Applications Speaker: Dr. Zhiqiang Lin, University of Texas at Dallas Host: Huang |
Fri., 07/10/15 11:00 AM PGH 550 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Applied Computational Game Theory: Progress and Open Problems Speaker: Dr. Albert Xin Jiang, Trinity University, San Antonio, TX Host: Huang |
Mon., 06/22/15 11:00 AM HBS 315 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: NASA Behavioral Health and Performance Research Element Speaker: Dr. Lauren Blackwell Landon and Dr. Jason Schneiderman, NASA Johnson Space Center Host: Pavlidis |
Fri., 06/19/15 12:00 PM PGH 563 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Detection of Cyber Attacks Utilizing Behavioral Semantics Speaker: Dr. Victor A. Skormin, Binghamton University Host: Huang |
Fri., 06/19/15 11:00 AM PGH 550 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Distributed Computation of Large-scale Graph Problems Speaker: Peter Robinson, Queen’s University, Belfast Host: Pandurangan |
Wed., 06/10/15 11:00 AM HBS 315 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: A Theoretical Framework to Represent Narrative Structures for Visual Storytelling Speaker: Ergun Akleman, Texas A&M Host: Pavlidis |
Fri., 05/01/15 1:30 PM ADB Atrium |
Special Event Topic: UHCS PhD Showcase 2015 Speaker: CS Department Graduate Students Host: Kakadiaris |
Wed., 04/22/15 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: How Can I Improve my Poster Presentation? Speaker: Chad Wilson, University of Houston Host: Kakadiaris |
Wed., 04/08/15 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: How Can I Improve my Poster Design? Speaker: Chad Wilson, University of Houston Host: Kakadiaris |
Mon., 04/06/15 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Using Hardware Isolated Execution Environments for Securing Systems Speaker: Fengwei Zhang, George Mason University Host: Huang |
Fri., 04/03/15 4:00 PM HBS 267 |
Special Seminar Topic: Writing the Origin with Burned Fingers: Darwin’s Penance for the “Sin of Speculation” Speaker: Dr. Alistair Sponsel, Vanderbilt University Host: Pavlidis |
Fri., 04/03/15 12:30 PM HBS 267 |
Special Seminar Topic: Welfare, Work, and Witness: Why Clinical Research Can Survive the Death of a Healthy Human Subject Speaker: Prof. Laura Stark, Vanderbilt University Host: Pavlidis |
Fri., 04/03/15 10:30 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Automating Program Transformations based on Examples of Systematic Edits Speaker: Na Meng, University of Texas Host: Eick |
Wed., 04/01/15 11:30 AM PGH 563 |
LUNCH-N-LEARN Topic: CS Career at Two Sigma Speaker: Scott Lynch and Dat Chu, Two Sigma Host: Shah |
Wed., 03/25/15 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Introduction to the Research Work at the Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications of NCSR “Demokritos” Speaker: Dr. Vangelis Karkaletsis, National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos” Host: Kakadiaris |
Wed., 03/25/15 10:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Argument Mining from News and Social Web – a Short Tutorial Speaker: Dr. George Petasis, National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos" Host: Kakadiaris |
Mon., 03/09/15 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Log Engineering: Towards Systematic Mining of Logs to Support the Development of Ultra-Large Scale Systems Speaker: Dr. Weiyi (Ian) Shang, Queen’s University, Ontario Host: Shah |
Fri., 03/06/15 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Special Seminar Topic: The Distinctive Significance of Systemic Risk Speaker: Prof. Aaron James, University of California, Irvine Host: Pavlidis |
Wed., 03/04/15 11:30 AM PGH 563 |
Special Seminar Topic: Simulation & Graphics at NASA/JSC/Engineering Seminar Slides: Download (PDF) Speaker: Mr. Eddie Paddock, Johnson Space Center Host: Shah |
Fri., 02/27/15 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Anonymity in the Big Data Era Speaker: Dr. Sadia Afroz, University of California, Berkeley Host: Solorio |
Wed., 02/25/15 11:30 AM PGH 232 |
Special Seminar Topic: NASA’s Core Flight Software, a Reusable Real-Time Framework Seminar Slides: Download (PDF) Speaker: Dr. Lorraine “Lore” Prokop, Johnson Space Center Host: Shah |
Fri., 02/20/15 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Security and Safety for Emerging Technology on the Web Speaker: Dr. Xinyu Xing, Georgia Institute of Technology Host: Solorio |
Mon., 02/16/15 4:00 PM PGH 563 |
Special Seminar Topic: IEEE University of Houston of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Branch Speaker: Dr. Paul C. K. Chu, Texas Center for Superconductivity at University of Houston Host: Rizk |
Mon., 02/16/15 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Machine Learning Approaches for Annotating BioData Speaker: Prof. Huzefa Rangwala, George Mason University Host: Pavlidis |
Fri., 02/06/15 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Faculty Seminar Topic: The End of a Computer Era as We Know It: Challenges and Opportunities Speaker: Prof. Lennart Johnsson, University of Houston-COSC Host: Kakadiaris |
Wed., 02/04/15 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Smart Home Cybersecurity: Threat and Defense in a Cyberphysical System Speaker: Prof. Shiyan Hu, Michigan Technology University Host: Shi |
Wed., 01/28/15 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Special Seminar Topic: The Devil’s Heritage: Masuo Kodani, the “Nisei Problem,” and Social Stratification at the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission in Japan (1946-1954) Speaker: Prof. Vassiliki Betty Smocovitis, University of Florida Host: Pavlidis |
Date & Time | Event |
Mon., 12/08/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Special Seminar Topic: Atypical Combinations and Scientific Impact Speaker: Prof. Brian Uzzi, Northwestern University Host: Pavlidis |
Fri., 11/21/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Faculty Seminar Topic: Indexed Captioned Searchable Videos Word Sense Disambiguation- a Multilingual Resource Conscious Perspective (Seminar Video) Seminar Slides: Download (PDF) Speaker: Prof. Jaspal Subhlok, University of Houston-COSC Host: Kakadiaris |
Mon., 11/17/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Special Seminar Topic: Psychology of Science and Technology Speaker: Prof. Michael E. Gorman, University of Virginia Host: Pavlidis |
Wed., 11/12/14 11:00 AM HBSB 267 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: The Synchronized Brain in Emotional Processing Seminar Slides: Download (PDF) Speaker: Prof. Jean Grandjean, University of Geneva Host: Pavlidis |
Wed., 11/05/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: A Step toward Deploying Real-Time Applications on Computer Clouds Speaker: Prof. Shangping Ren, Illinois Institute of Technology Host: Cheng |
Wed., 10/29/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Quantitative Image Analysis in Biology and Medicine Speaker: Prof. Fatima Merchant, University of Houston, Engineering Technology Host: Kakadiaris |
Mon., 10/27/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Marrying Domain Knowledge and Computational Methods Speaker: Dr. Ashish Mahabal, California Institute of Technology (Caltech) Host: Vilalta |
Mon., 10/13/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: 3D Modeling: from Acquisition, Reconstruction, to Understanding Speaker: Prof. Ruigang Yang, University of Kentucky Host: Deng |
Fri., 10/10/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Analyzing Genomes Beyond Sequences Speaker: Prof. Jijun Tang, University of South Carolina Host: Deng |
Wed., 09/24/14 3:30 PM PGH 563 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Computing Stable and Compact Representation of Medial Axis Speaker: Dr. Wenping Wang, University of Hong Kong Host: Chen |
Mon., 09/22/14 3:00 PM PGH 651G |
Special Event Topic: KnowingMatters Speaker: National Security Agency, Summer Program for Operations Research Technology (SPORT) Host: Verma and Shi * A program for graduate students. U.S. citizenship required to be eligible. |
Fri., 09/19/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Case Study of Big Data Analysis for Smart Grid Speaker: Prof. Zhu Han, University of Houston, ECE Host: Huang |
Fri., 09/12/14 10:30 AM PGH 232 |
Special Event Topic: FACULTY MINI-TALKS Seminar Slides (PDF): Leiss, Paris, Pavlidis, Deng, Subhlok, Cheng, Johnsson Speaker: Computer Science Faculty Host: Kakadiaris |
Wed., 09/10/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Special Seminar Topic: How Economics Shape Science Speaker: Prof. Paula Stephan, National Bureau of Economic Research Host: Pavlidis |
Fri., 09/05/14 10:30 AM PGH 232 |
Special Event Topic: FACULTY MINI-TALKS Seminar Slides (PDF): Chen, Gabriel, Gnawali, Tsekos, Huang, Kakadiaris, Mukherjee, Shah, Shi, Solorio, Vilalta Speaker: Computer Science Faculty Host: Kakadiaris |
Fri., 08/29/14 11:00 AM PGH 563 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Using Process Mining and Learning Analytics for Modeling and Analyzing Learning Processes Speaker: Dr. Carlos Monroy, Rice Center for Digital Learning and Scholarship Host: Vilalta |
Mon., 08/04/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Big Data: A Data-Driven Society? Speaker: Prof. Roberto V. Zicari, Goethe University, Frankfurt Main, Germany Host: Eick |
Fri., 07/11/14 11:00 AM PGH 550 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Bayesian Nonparametric Learning for Network Security Speaker: Prof. Zhu Han, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, UH Host: Huang |
Mon., 06/16/14 11:00 AM PGH 563 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Automatic Memory Control of Multiple Virtual Machines on a Consolidated Server Speaker: Prof. Wei-Zhe Zhang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Host: Cheng |
Fri., 06/04/14 11:00 AM PGH 550 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Distributed Algorithmic Foundations of Dynamic Networks Speaker: Prof. Gopal Pandurangan, Brown University and Nanyang Technological University Host: Verma |
Fri., 04/25/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Automated Diagnosis of End-User-Fixable Errors Speaker: Dr. Sai Zhang, University of Washington Host: Shah |
Wed., 04/16/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Special Seminar Topic: The Decision to Put David Vetter in the Bubble Seminar Slides: View Slides Speaker: Prof. James H. Jones, University of Arkansas Host: Pavlidis |
Mon., 04/07/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Unifying Manual and Mechanical Changes for Better Software Testing Speaker: Dr. Lingming Zhang, University of Texas at Austin Host: Deng |
Fri., 04/04/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: To Merge or Not to Merge: Managing Software Families Speaker: Dr. Julia Rubin, University of Toronto, Canada Host: Chapman |
Mon., 03/31/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Opinion Mining for the Internet: Models, Algorithms and Predictive Analytics Speaker: Dr. Arjun Mukherjee, University of Illinois at Chicago Host: Eick |
Fri., 03/28/14 11:00 AM Technology 101 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Frontiers of Learning from Imperfect Data Speaker: Dr. Andrew Wan, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing Host: Ordonez |
Mon., 03/24/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Breaking New Ground in Authorship Analysis: Leveraging Data in Cross-Domain Settings Seminar Slides: Download (PPT) Speaker: Prof. Thamar Solorio, University of Alabama at Birmingham Host: Vilalta |
Fri., 03/21/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Stochastic Models and Algorithms for Large-scale Comparative Genomics under Complex Evolutionary Scenarios Seminar Slides: Download (PDF) Speaker: Dr. Kevin J. Liu, Rice University Host: Deng |
Fri., 03/07/14 11:00 AM Agnes Hall (AH) 108 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Distributed Computing and Large-scale Graph Processing: Foundations and Applications Speaker: Gopal Pandurangan, Brown University and Nanyang Technological University Host: Ordonez |
Wed., 03/05/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Computational Challenges in Microbial Forensics at the Ultra Rare Variant Level Speaker: Dr. Viacheslav Y. Fofanov, Eureka Genomics Corporation Host: Pavlidis |
Mon., 03/03/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Special Seminar Topic: Ethical Paradoxes of Control: Science, Engineering, and the Expansion of Moral Responsibility Seminar Slides: Download (PDF) Speaker: Dr. Rachelle Hollander, National Academy of Engineering Host: Pavlidis |
Fri., 02/28/14 12:30 PM PGH 232 |
Special Seminar Topic: So You Think You Can Innovate? Speaker: Roberta B. Ness, MD, MPH, Dean, University of Texas School of Public Health Host: Kakadiaris |
Fri., 02/28/14 9:00 AM PGH 232 |
Special Event Topic: UHCS PhD Showcase 2014 Speaker: CS Department Graduate Students Host: Kakadiaris |
Tue., 02/25/14 11:00 AM PGH 563 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Visualizing Human Genome in 3-Dimension Speaker: Prof. W. Jim Zheng, University of Texas Health Science Centre at Houston Host: Deng |
Mon., 02/24/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Distinguished Lecture Topic: Beyond Computer Animation Speaker: Prof. Karen Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology Host: Deng |
Fri., 02/21/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Applications and Experiments for Network Science and Engineering Seminar Slides: Download (PDF) Speaker: Prof. Deniz Gurkan, Computer Engineering Technology, University of Houston Host: Johnsson |
Mon., 02/17/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Special Seminar Topic: 'Broken Symmetry': Humanism, Militarism, and the Dilemmas of Scientific Identity in Nuclear Age America Speaker: Prof. Jessica Wang, University of British Columbia Host: Pavlidis |
Fri., 02/14/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Special Event Topic: (Good) Seminars are not Chores – They are Career Builders Speaker: Prof. Ioannis Pavlidis Faculty Panel: Ernst Leiss, Computer Science, University of Houston and Prof. Ricardo Azevedo, Biology, University of Houston Host: Pavlidis |
Thu., 02/13/14 11:00 AM PGH 563 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Applying Ontology and Semantic Web Technologies to Clinical and Translational Studies Seminar Slides: Download (PDF) Speaker: Prof. Cui Tao, University of Texas, Houston Host: Deng |
Wed., 02/12/14 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Scalable Virtual Data Structures Seminar Slides: Download (PDF) Speaker: Prof. Thomas Schwarz SJ, Universidad Católica del Uruguay Host: Paris |
Fri., 01/31/14 10:30 AM PGH 232 |
Special Event Topic: Presentation Workshop Seminar Slides: Shi (PPT), Subhlok (PPT) Speaker: Profs. Jaspal Subhlok and Larry Shi Host: Gnawali NOTE: Rescheduled from 01/24/14 to 01/31/14 due to inclement weather. |
Thu., 12/12/13 11:00 AM PGH 563 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Social Network Analysis by Compression: Not Only Space Saving, but also Insight Gaining Seminar Slides: Download (PDF) Speaker: Prof. Jian Pei, Simon Fraser University Host: Ordonez |
Mon., 12/02/13 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Special Seminar Topic: Using Creative Non-Fiction In Teaching Research Ethics Speaker: Prof. Craig Klugman, DePaul University Host: Pavlidis |
Mon., 11/25/13 11:00 AM PGH 563 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Supporting Query by Content for Time Series Data in Relational Database Management Systems Seminar Slides: Download (PDF) Speaker: Prof. Ines F. Vega-Lopez, University of Sinaloa, Mexico Host: Ordonez |
Fri., 11/22/13 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Faculty Seminar Topic: Linking the Cyber and Physical Worlds with CPS: The Paradigm of Image-Guided Surgical Robots Speaker: Prof. Nikolaos Tsekos Host: Eick |
Mon., 11/18/13 10:30 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications of NCSR “Demokritos”: Opportunities for Research and Educational Cooperation with UHouston – CS Speaker: Prof. Constaintine D. Spyropoulos and Prof. Vangelis Karkaletisis, National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos” Host: Kakadiaris |
Fri., 11/15/13 3:00 PM PGH 232 |
Special Seminar Topic: Does Neuroscience Undermine Responsibility Seminar Slides: Download (PDF) Speaker: Prof. Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Duke University Host: Pavlidis |
Mon., 11/11/13 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Where’d My Photos Go? Challenges in Preserving Digital Data for the Long Term Seminar Slides: Download (PDF) Speaker: Prof. Ethan Miller, University of California, Santa Cruz Host: Gabriel |
Fri., 11/08/13 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Large Scale Bayesian Machine Learning with the SimSQL System Speaker: Prof. Chris Jermaine, Rice University Host: Ordonez |
Thu., 11/07/13 11:00 AM PGH 563 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Virtual and Augmented Reality for Surgical Guidance Speaker: Prof. Stephane Nicolau, IRCAD-France Host: Garbey |
Wed., 11/06/13 4:00 PM PGH 563 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: New Applications of Particle Systems to Shape Modeling Speaker: Prof. Wenping Wang, Hong Kong University Host: Deng |
Fri., 11/01/13 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar |
Fri., 10/25/13 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Faculty Seminar Topic: Functional Reactive Programming and Response Time Analysis for Developing Embedded Real-Time and Cyber-Physical Systems Seminar Slides: Download (PDF) Speaker: Prof. Albert Cheng, University of Houston Host: Eick |
Fri., 10/18/13 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Special Seminar Topic: Arming Mother Nature: The Birth of Catastrophic Environmentalism Seminar Slides: Download (PDF) Speaker: Prof. Jacob Hamblin, Oregon State University Host: Pavlidis |
Fri., 10/04/13 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Faculty Seminar Topic: Security: Protocols, Sensor Networks and Phishing Seminar Slides: Download (PPT) Speaker: Prof. Rakesh Verma, University of Houston Host: Eick |
Fri., 09/27/13 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Distinguished Lecture Topic: Future Computing Seminar Slides: Download (PPT) Speaker: Dr. Carl Anderson, IBM Host: Subhlok |
Wed., 09/25/13 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Enclosing Hybrid Behavior up to and Beyond a Zeno Point Seminar Slides: Download (PDF) Speaker: Prof. Walid Taha, Halmstad University, Sweden and Rice University Host: Cheng |
Fri., 09/20/13 10:30 AM PGH 232 |
Special Event Topic: FACULTY MINI-TALKS Seminar Slides: Gnawali (PDF), Eick (PPT), Huang (PPT), Leiss (PPT), Vilalta (PPT), Kakadiaris (PDF), Yun (PPT), Cheng (PPT), Shah (PDF), Shi (PPT) Speaker: Computer Science Faculty Host: Eick |
Mon., 09/16/13 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Distinguished Lecture Topic: RESAR Storage: a System for Two-Failure Tolerant, Self-Adjusting Million Disk Storage Clusters Seminar Slides: Download (PDF) Speaker: Prof. Darrell Long, University of California, Santa Cruz Host: Paris |
Fri., 09/13/13 9:30 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Achieving Software Reliability Without Breaking the Budget Seminar Slides: Download (PDF) Speaker: Dr. Bojan Cukic, West Virginia University Host: Kakadiaris |
Fri., 09/06/13 10:30 AM PGH 232 |
Special Event Topic: FACULTY MINI-TALKS Seminar Slides: Ordonez (PPT), Subhlok (PPT), Chen (PPT), Verma (PPT), Johnsson (PDF), Tsekos (PDF), Gabriel (PDF), Pavlidis (PDF), Paris (PPT) Speaker: Computer Science Faculty Host: Eick |
Fri., 08/23/13 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Considerations on the Estimating of the Number of Processors Toward an Efficient Non-preemptive Scheduling Algorithm Speaker: Prof. Stefan Andrei, Lamar University Host: Cheng |
Wed., 07/31/13 2:00 PM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Energy Aware Computer Systems and Networks Speaker: Dr. Erol Gelenbe, Imperial College, London Host: Paris |
Mon., 04/29/13 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Discovering Semantic Structure for Image and Video Browsing Speaker: Dr. Kristen Grauman, University of Texas at Austin Host: Shah |
Thur., 04/25/13 11:00 AM PGH 563 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Video-based Motion Capture: Challenges and Progress Speaker: Dr. Jinxiang Chai, Texas A&M Host: Dr. Zhigang Deng |
Fri., 03/29/13 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Controllable Animation and Remeshing Speaker: Dr. Jin Huang, Zhejiang University, China Host: Chen |
Mon., 03/25/13 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Special Seminar Topic: Lead Wars: The Politics of Science and the Fate of America’s Children Speaker: Professor David Rosner, Columbia University Host: Pavlidis |
Mon., 03/04/13 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Faculty Seminar Topic: Fast by Nature – How Stress Patterns Define Human Experience and Performance in Dexterous Tasks Speaker: Dr. Ioannis Pavlidis, University of Houston Host: Eick |
Mon., 02/25/13 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Network, Visualization and Society Speaker: Mauro Martino, Northeastern University Host: Pavlidis |
Mon., 02/18/13 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Faculty Seminar Topic: High Throughput Sequencing and Analysis of Complex Clinical and Environmental Samples: Bioinformatics Challenges Speaker: Dr. Yuriy Fofanov, University of Houston Host: Eick |
Mon., 02/11/13 11:00 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Seminar Topic: Ricci Flow for Shape Registration and Geometric Analysis Speaker: Dr. Wei Zeng, Florida International University Host: Deng |
Fri., 02/08/13 10:00 AM PGH 232 |
Special Event Topic: Department of Computer Science PhD Showcase Speaker: CS Department Graduate Students Host: Eick |
Fri., 01/25/13 11:15 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Faculty Seminar Topic: Progresses in Virtual Human Modeling and Animation: from Microscopic Scale to Macroscopic Scale Speaker: Dr. Zhigang Deng, University of Houston Host: Eick |
Fri., 01/25/13 10:30 AM PGH 232 |
Computer Science Faculty Seminar Topic: Numerical Linear Algebra in a Database System for Big Data Analytics Speaker: Dr. Carlos Ordonez, University of Houston Host: Eick |
Date | Time | Event | Place |
Mon. 12/03/12 NSF Sc Ethics |
11:00 AM | Identifying Potential Pitfalls in the Quantitative Appraisal Systems for Scientific Careers Dr. Alexander M. Petersen, IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca Host: Pavlidis |
232 PGH |
Fri. 11/16/12 |
11:00 AM | Patent Litigation and the Expert Witness Kenneth R. Castleman, PhD Host: Shah |
232 PGH |
Wed. 11/14/12 |
11:00 AM | Efficient Decoding over Unknown Impulsive Noise Channels Dr. Yunghsian Han, National Taipei University Host: Zheng |
550 PGH |
Mon. 11/12/12 NSF Sc Ethics |
11:00 AM | Keeping Secrets; Scientists’ Strategic Management of Militarization, 1945-1980 Dr. Susan M. Lindee, University of Pennsylvania Host: Pavlidis |
232 PGH |
Wed. 10/24/12 |
4:00 PM | Funding Opportunities in Wireless Networking and Communications Dr. Min Song, National Science Foundation Host: Zheng |
563 PGH |
Tuesday 10/23/12 |
5:00 PM | The Joy of Hacking Dr. Roland von Kurnatowski, TX/RX Labs, Houston Host: Gnawali |
563 PGH |
Fri. 10/19/12 NSF Sc Ethics |
3:00 PM | Evolutionary Theory as Methodological Anesthesia: Methodological and Philosophical Lessons from Evolutionary Psychology Dr. Richard N. Boyd, Cornell University Host: Pavlidis |
232 PGH |
Mon. 10/15/12 DIST LECT |
11:00 AM | Eucalyptus: Open Source Infrastructure for Cloud Computing Dr. Rich Wolski, Eucalyptus Systems, Inc. Host: Subhlok |
232 PGH |
Fri. 09/21/12 NSF Sc Ethics |
11:00 AM | Can Technology Enable Cities to Cope with the Economic Winter? Dr. Arun Hampapur, IBM Watson Research Host: Pavlidis |
232 PGH |
Thursday 09/20/12 |
1:00 PM | Supporting Delay Guarantees over Unreliable Wireless Channels Dr. I-Hong Hou, Texas A&M University Host: Zheng |
550 PGH |
Thursday 09/20/12 DIST LECT |
11:00 AM | A Framework for Real-Time Service-Oriented Architecture Dr. Kwei-Jay Lin, University of California at Irvine Host: Cheng |
563 PGH |
Wed. 09/19/12 |
11:00 AM | GM to Add 500 New IT Jobs in Austin, TX General Motors Host: Shah |
232 PGH |
Fri. 09/14/12 DIST LECT |
3:00 PM | Word Sense Disambiguation- a Multilingual Resource Conscious Perspective (Seminar Video) Dr. Pushpak Bhattacharyya, IIT Bombay Host: Kakadiaris |
232 PGH |
Fri. 09/14/12 |
232 PGH |
Wed. 09/12/12 DIST LECT |
11:00 AM | Challenges and Opportunities for Obtaining a Faculty Position in India (Seminar Video) Dr. Pushpak Bhattacharyya, IIT Bombay Host: Kakadiaris |
232 PGH |
Mon. 09/10/12 DIST LECT |
11:00 AM | Sentiment Analysis in New Terrain: New Domain, New Features, New Language and New Tasks Dr. Pushpak Bhattacharyya, IIT Bombay Host: Kakadiaris |
232 PGH |
Fri. 09/07/12 |
232 PGH |
Fri. 07/20/12 |
11:00 AM | Cyber Physical Systems: A New Science for Convergence Prof. Kyung-Joon Park, DGIST, Korea Host: Zheng |
232 PGH |
Fri. 07/13/12 NSF REU |
10:30 AM | How Do We Measure Proficiency in Surgery? Brian J. Dunkin, M.D., F.A.C.S, The Methodist Hospital Host: Pavlidis |
232 PGH |
Fri. 06/22/12 NSF REU |
10:30 AM | Academic Life – Rewards and Perils Dr. Ioannis Pavlidis, University of Houston Host: Huang |
232 PGH |
Fri. 06/15/12 NSF REU |
HCC for Creativity, Expression, and Participation Dr. Andruid Kerne, Texas A&M University Host: Pavlidis |
232 PGH |
Tuesday 06/05/12 |
10:30 AM | Fast by Nature – How Stress Patterns Define Human Experience and Performance in Dexterous Tasks Dr. Ioannis Pavlidis, University of Houston Host: Pavlidis |
232 PGH |
Tuesday 05/22/12 |
11:00 AM | In Pursuit of Software Faults: Status and Challenges Dr. Bojan Cukic, West Virginia University Host: Kakadiaris |
232 PGH |
Fri. 05/11/2012 |
Frontiers of Human-Computer Interaction Research Dr. Xiangshi Ren, Kochi University of Technology, Japan Host: Deng |
563 PGH |
Fri. 04/27/2012 FAC CAND |
Learning Functions from Correlations Dr. Homin K. Lee, University of Texas, Austin Host: Ordonez |
232 PGH |
Wed. 04/18/2012 |
11:00 AM | Detection of Biomarker in Biopsies Based on HR-MAS 2D HSQC Spectroscopy Indexation Dr. Christophe Collet, University of Strasbourg Host: Shah |
232 PGH |
Mon. 04/16/2012 FAC CAND |
11:00 AM | Combinatorial Optimization on Surfaces Amir Nayyeri, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Host: Shah |
232 PGH |
Fri. 04/06/2012 FAC CAND |
11:00 AM | Portable, Scalable, per-Core Power Estimation for Intelligent Resource Management Dr. Sally McKee, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden Host: Chapman |
232 PGH |
Wed. 03/28/2012 FAC CAND |
11:00 AM | High-Performance Visualization of Large Data Dr. Hongfeng Yu, Sandia National Laboratories, California Host: Deng |
232 PGH |
Mon. 03/26/2012 FAC CAND |
11:00 AM | Program Verification with Liquid Types Dr. Patrick Rondon, University of California, San Diego Host: Ordonez |
232 PGH |
Wed. 03/21/2012 FAC CAND |
11:00 AM | Slowing CPUs to Run Faster: The Strange World of High-Performance Computing Under a Power Bound Dr. Barry Rountree, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Host: Gabriel |
232 PGH |
Mon. 03/05/2012 EXP ETHICS LECT |
11:00 AM | Regulating Ionizing Radiation Flawed Standards, Flawed Ethics Dr. Kristin Shrader-Frechette, University of Notre Dame Host: Pavlidis |
232 PGH |
Wed. 02/29/2012 |
11:00 AM | The Future of Scientific Computing in the Energy Industry Dr. Detlef Hohl, Shell, Inc. Host: Chapman |
232 PGH |
Fri. 02/24/2012 FAC CAND |
11:00 AM | Toward Efficient Vector Field Analysis and Control Dr. Guoning Chen, Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute Host: Deng |
232 PGH |
Fri. 02/17/2012 |
10:00 AM | Department of Computer Science PhD Showcase CS Department Graduate Students Host: Eick |
232 PGH |
Mon. 02/06/2012 FAC CAND |
11:00 AM | Software Engineering in the Age of Data Privacy Dr. Mark Grechanik, Accenture Technology Labs Host: Chapman |
232 PGH |
01/27/2012 | 10:00 AM | Computational Models of Molecular and Nanoparticle Transport in Tissues and Capillaries Dr. Milos Kojic, The Methodist Hospital Research Institute Host: Garbey |
232 PGH |
01/20/2012 | 11:00 AM | Dynamic Ontology: Challenges and Opportunities Dr. Cameron Buckner, University of Houston Host: Verma |
232 PGH |
12/09/2011 | 10:30 AM | Correlation Filters for Biometrics Dr. Vijayakumar Bhagavatula, Carnegie Mellon University Host: Kakadiaris |
232 PGH |
12/07/2011 | 10:00 AM | ImpoSybil? Yes. Preventing Infiltration Attacks in Geo-Social Networks Dr. Bogdan Carbunar, Florida International University Host: Shi |
232 PGH |
12/02/2011 | 10:00 AM | Schlumberger Software Landscape and Diversity Kanai Pathak, Schlumberger WesternGeco Host: Shah |
232 PGH |
11/30/2011 DIST LECT |
11:00 AM | Human MRI at 7Telsa and Above: Technical Challenges and Clinical Applications Dr. Andrew Webb, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands Host: Tsekos |
232 PGH |
11/28/2011 | 11:30 AM | Frontiers of Volunteer Computing Dr. David Anderson, University of California at Berkeley Host: Subhlok |
232 PGH |
11/07/2011 NSF DIST SEM |
10:30 AM | ORI Cases and How to Protect Yourself from Research Misconduct in Your Laborabory Dr. Alan R. Price, CEO, Price Research Integrity Consultant Experts (P.R.I.C.E.) Host: Pavlidis |
232 PGH |
10/28/2011 | 11:00 AM | The Update Complexity of Selection and Related Problems Dr. Sandeep Sen, Indian Institute of Technology Host: Verma |
232 PGH |
09/30/2011 | 11:00 AM | Attribute Flow for Discriminative Image Warping Dr. Jianbo Shi, University of Pennsylvania Host: Pavlidis |
232 PGH |
09/16/2011 | 10:30 AM | FACULTY MINI-TALKS Computer Science Faculty Host: Eick |
232 PGH |
09/13/2011 | 10:00 AM | Imagine a World Where Technology Helps Solve the Toughest Problems Dr. Bradley Jensen, Microsoft, Inc. Host: Yun |
563 PGH |
09/09/2011 | 10:30 AM | FACULTY MINI-TALKS Computer Science Faculty Host: Eick |
232 PGH |
08/11/2011 | 11:00 AM | Information Fusion and Sparsity Promotion Using Choquet Integrals Dr. Andres Mendez-Vazquez, Cinvestav Guadalajara Host: Vilalta |
563 PGH |
05/25/2011 | 11:00 AM | Fair and Dynamic Proofs of Retrievability Dr. Shouhuai Xu, University of Texas at San Antonio Host: Shi |
563 PGH |
05/23/2011 | 11:00 AM | Do You Trust Your Eyes and Ears? ---Introduction to Emerging Multimedia Forensics Dr. Qingzhong Liu, Sam Houston State University Host: Deng |
563 PGH |
05/13/2011 | 11:00 AM | Characterizing the Influence of System Noise on Large-Scale Parallel Applications Dr. Torsten Hoefler, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Host: Gabriel |
563 PGH |
05/09/2011 | 10:00 AM | The FARSIGHT Project: Computational Image Computing Tools for Biomedicine Dr. Badri Roysam, University of Houston, Cullen College of Engineering Host: Kakadiaris |
232 PGH |
05/06/2011 | 10:00 AM | Bayes Optimal Pattern Recognition Dr. Aleix Martinez, The Ohio State University Host: Kakadiaris |
232 PGH |
05/04/2011 | 11:00 AM | Practical Statistical Relational Learning Dr. Sriraam Natarajan, University of Wisconsin Madison Host: Vilalta |
232 PGH |
04/25/2011 FAC CAND |
11:00 AM | Models and Algorithms for Large Complex Networks Dr. George Giakkoupis, University of Calgary Host: Leiss |
232 PGH |
04/15/2011 | 11:00 AM | A Perspective on Operating and Runtime Systems for Exascale Computing Dr. Ron Brightwell, Sandia National Laboratories Host: Chapman |
563 PGH |
04/11/2011 FAC CAND |
11:00 AM | Better Recognition with Richer Representations Dr. Ali Farhadi, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Host: Kakadiaris |
232 PGH |
04/08/2011 FAC CAND |
11:00 AM | From Understanding Human Users to Building Efficient Mobile Systems Dr. Ahmad Rahmati, Rice University Host: TBA |
232 PGH |
04/07/2011 | 4:00 PM | ITK – Do It Yourself Image Analysis Dr. Luis Ibanez, Kitware, Inc. Host: Kakadiaris |
216 PGH |
04/07/2011 | 11:30 AM | ITK – Open Source Image Analysis Dr. Luis Ibanez, Kitware, Inc. Host: Kakadiaris |
216 PGH |
04/06/2011 | 2:30 PM | Open Source Software Practices Dr. Luis Ibanez, Kitware, Inc. Host: Kakadiaris |
216 PGH |
04/01/2011 | 11:00 AM | Bioinformatics: Computational Needs and Opportunities in the Next Generation Dr. Eric Stahlberg, National Cancer Institute Host: Chapman |
563 PGH |
03/30/2011 FAC CAND |
11:00 AM | Design of Large-Scale Low-Power Wireless Sensor Networks Dr. Omprakash Gnawali, Stanford University Host: Zheng |
232 PGH |
03/28/2011 FAC CAND |
11:00 AM | Human-Computer Interaction with Post-PC Computing Devices Dr. Xiaojun Bi, University of Toronto Host: Deng |
232 PGH |
03/25/2011 FAC CAND |
11:00 AM | Intractability in Computational Learning and Approximation Dr. Rishi Saket, Princeton University Host: Shah |
232 PGH |
03/23/2011 FAC CAND |
11:00 AM | Symbolic Predictive Analysis for Concurrent Programs Dr. Chao Wang, NEC Laboratories America Host: Verma |
232 PGH |
03/21/2011 FAC CAND |
11:00 AM | Fragmentation Tolerant Real Time Garbage Collection Dr. Filip Pizlo, Purdue University Host: Chapman |
232 PGH |
02/16/2011 | 10:30 AM | FACULTY MINI TALKS Computer Science Host: Eick |
232 PGH |
02/11/2011 | 10:30 AM | FACULTY MINI TALKS Computer Science Host: Eick |
232 PGH |
02/07/2011 Dist Spkr |
10:00 AM | Computational Illumination Dr. Matthew Turk, University of California Santa Barbara Host: Kakadiaris |
232 PGH |
02/04/2011 CANCELLED |
10:30 AM | FACULTY MINI TALKS Computer Science Host: Eick |
232 PGH |
02/02/2011 | 11:00 AM | Numerical Linear Algebra Opportunities on Scalable Manycore Systems Dr. Michael Heroux, Sandia National Laboratory Host: Chapman |
232 PGH |
01/26/2011 Dist Spkr |
11:00 AM | Intelligent Facial Behaviour Understanding Dr. Maja Pantic, University of Twente Host: Kakadiaris |
232 PGH |
01/24/2011 DIST LECT |
11:00 AM | Will Heterogeneous Information Network Play a Key Role in Future Data Mining? Dr. Jiawei Han, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Host: Verma |
232 PGH |
01/21/2011 DIST LECT |
11:00 AM | Model-Based Strategies for Biomedical Image Analysis Dr. James S. Duncan, Yale University Host: Pavlidis |
232 PGH |
11/29/10 DIST LECT |
11:00 AM | Social Learning for Reconfigurable Sensor Networks Dr. Vikram Krishnamurthy, ECE, University of British Columbia Host: Zheng |
232 PGH |
11/22/10 | 11:00 AM | Performance Analysis in the Light of Deep Software Stacks and Complex System Architectures Dr. Matthias S. Mueller and Michael Kluge, Technische Universität Dresden Host: Gabriel |
232 PGH |
11/19/10 | 11:00 AM | Contour Packing for Deformable Shape Detection and Segmentation Dr. Jianbo Shi, University of Pennsylvania Host: Pavlidis |
232 PGH |
11/12/10 | 11:00 AM | Coordinated, Responsive Physics-Based Character Animation Dr. Victor Zordan, University of California at Riverside Host: Deng |
232 PGH |
11/11/10 | 3:00 PM | Toward the Classification of Finite Partial Monitoring Games Dr. Csaba Szepesvari, University of Alberta, Canada Host: Zheng |
563 PGH |
11/11/10 | 11:00 AM | Multilevel Methods for Large-Scale Combinatorial Optimization Problems Dr. Ilya Safro, Argonne National Laboratory Host: Vilalta |
563 PGH |
11/05/10 DIST LECT |
11:00 AM | Enabling Real Time Data Analysis Dr. Divesh Srivastava, AT&T Labs, Inc. Host: Ordonez |
232 PGH |
10/29/10 | 11:00 AM | Can You Imagine a World Where Technology Helps Solve the Toughest Problems? Dr. Bradley Jenson, Microsoft Inc. Host: Yun |
232 PGH |
10/20/10 DIST LECT |
11:00 AM | What We Can Learn From Integrative Modeling of the Heart Dr. Raimond L. Winslow, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Host: Pavlidis |
232 PGH |
10/18/10 | 11:00 AM | A Continuous Activity Sensing and Recognition System for Mobile Phone Applications Dr. Jun Yang, Nokia Research Center, Palo Alto Host: Deng |
232 PGH |
10/11/10 DIST LECT |
11:00 AM | The Parallel BGL: A High-Performance Parallel Graph Algorithms Library Dr. Andrew Lumsdaine, Indiana University Host: Chapman |
232 PGH |
10/08/10 | 10AM-4PM | PhD Students Present Their Research First PhD Showcase Event, University of Houston Host: Dr. Christoph Eick |
232 PGH |
10/01/10 DIST LECT |
11:00 AM | Virtual Cityscapes: Challenges & Opportunities Dr. Ming C. Lin, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Host: Deng |
232 PGH |
09/29/10 | 11:00 AM | RoboBee: A Robotic Bee for Investigating the Bee Dance Dr. Raul Rojas, Freie Universitat Berlin Host: Leiss |
232 PGH |
09/17/10 | 10:00 AM | @neurIST: Integrated Biomedical Information Management of Cerebral Aneurysms Dr. Alejandro Frangi, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Host: Kakadiaris |
232 PGH |
09/16/10 | 11:00 AM | An Efficient Power-Aware Scheduling Algorithm for the Multiprocessor Platform Dr. Stefan Andrei, Lamar University Host: Cheng |
563 PGH |
09/15/10 | 11:00 AM | Social Influence within Virtual Environments Dr. James Blascovich, University of California, Santa Barbara Host: Deng |
232 PGH |
07/23/10 | 10:00 AM | Expeditions in Applied Computing: A Computational Science Perspective Dr. Shantanu Jha, Louisiana State University Host: Johnsson |
550 PGH |
07/02/10 | 11:00 AM | Detecting Key Motion Patterns Dr. Mubarak Shah, University of Central Florida Host: Kakadiaris |
563 PGH |
05/07/10 | 11:00 AM | Localized Learning Algorithm Behavior Analysis Dr. Christophe Giraud-Carrier, Brigham Young University Host: Vilalta |
232 PGH |
04/19/10 FC2010 |
11:00 AM | Towards Fun, Secure, and Dependable Computing Platforms and Services Dr. Weidong Larry Shi, ViTie Inc. Host: Chapman |
232 PGH |
04/16/10 FC2010 |
11:00 AM | CANCELLED Dr. James Clause, Georgia Institute of Technology Host: Zheng |
232 PGH |
04/16/10 FC2010 |
11:00 AM | Detecting the Network Behavior of Malware Dr. Roberto Perdisci, Georgia Institute of Technology Host: Zheng |
232 PGH |
04/12/10 FC2010 |
11:00 AM | SocioTechnical Effects in Software Teams Dr. Christian Bird, University of California, Davis Host: Shah |
232 PGH |
04/09/10 FC2010 |
11:00 AM | Designing Mobile Persuasive Technologies for Rural Health Promotion Dr. Divya Ramachandran, University of California, Berkeley Host: Deng |
232 PGH |
04/05/10 FC2010 |
11:00 AM | Privacy Preservation in Data Publishing and Sharing Dr. Tiancheng Li, Purdue University Host: S. Huang |
232 PGH |
04/02/10 | 11:00 AM | Transfer Learning for Scientific Discovery Dr. Alexandru Niculescu-Mizil, IBM T.J. Watson Research Lab Host: Vilalta |
232 PGH |
03/29/10 FC2010 |
11:00 AM | Advancing Operating Systems to Address Resource Contention Challenges in Multi-core Processors Dr. Xiaoning Ding, Ohio State University Host: Johnsson |
232 PGH |
03/26/10 DIST LECT |
11:00 AM | Research Results in Distributed Systems, Wireless Networks, and Networks Security Dr. Mukesh Singhal, University of Kentucky Host: Zheng |
232 PGH |
03/09/10 | 11:00 AM | Introduction to an Humanoid Robot – Nao Natanel Dukan, Aldebaran Robotics Inc. Host: Deng |
563 PGH |
03/08/10 FC2010 |
11:00 AM | Rich Photography on a Budget Dr. Samuel W. Hasinoff, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Host: Kakadiaris |
232 PGH |
01/29/10 | 11:00 AM | Demand-Aware Content Distribution on the Internet Dr. Srinivas Shakkottai, Texas A&M University Host: Zheng |
232 PGH |
01/22/10 | 3:00 PM | Optimization in Classification Dr. Erhun Kundakcioglu, University of Houston Host: Zheng |
550 PGH |