Data Center Cloud Integration - University of Houston
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Data Center Cloud Integration


Cloud technologies continue to deliver options for increased flexibility, scalability and cost-effectiveness for IT and business solutions. A comprehensive cloud strategy demands careful attention to integration considerations, data management, return on investment and security.


  • Higher education is increasingly adopting cloud technologies to replace conventional, on-premises service solutions. In many cases, these applications have become cloud-only offerings or have added a cloud version option. They often take the form of Software as a Service (SaaS), as opposed to merely lifting and shifting compute and storage workloads to hosted data centers.
  • As cloud technologies proliferate, with more options and increased competition among providers, UIT is continuously evaluating the services available.
  • The Office of the Provost, in partnership with UIT, has implemented Canvas LMS, SaaS that provides students with a comprehensive, accessible and flexible online Learning Management System.
  • Other important functions have moved to cloud services
    UH business process owners are increasingly considering such SaaS options.

Examples of Business Functions Recently Moved to Cloud Services

BlackBaud — Constituent Relationship Management Crowdstrike — Endpoint Protection
PageUp — Talent Acquisition and Onboarding InTune — Software Distribution
Atrium — Cougar Card Management Crow Canyon — IT Service Desk
Slate — Enrollment Processing Canvas — Learning Management System
  • In 2024, UH replaced the Anywhere365 call center application with an MS Teams-compatible cloud solution called Genesys Contact Center.
  • UIT actively works to lower the operational cost of maintenance and licensing by consolidating server functionality where appropriate and by retiring older systems.


  • Lead and advise in the transition of services to cloud resources. While the rapid expansion of cloud-based services makes it easier and more tempting for individual departments to negotiate directly with vendors, UIT’s technical expertise and enterprise-wide perspective continue to play a key role in helping decision makers find the right fit for integration, optimize resource requirements and achieve seamless interoperability with existing applications and business functions.
  • Maximize consistency and economies of UIT will achieve this by fostering standard criteria and selection processes, helping create cost/value assessments and being a trusted advisor to UH departments.


  • Emphasize strategic rather than transactional vendor relationships to maximize return on investment.
  • Make business process redesign an integral, preliminary step when replacing a technology solution or considering a move to the cloud.
  • Promote and lead the definition of a business process redesign strategy that spans functional unit boundaries by engaging multiple units where applicable.

 Total Server Count