Academic Technologies - University of Houston
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Academic Technologies


Universities rely on robust, scalable infrastructure to support innovative learning models that became prominent during the pandemic and continue to expand. Classroom and online functionality are evolving to accommodate new features, integrations and emerging pedagogical approaches.


  • Support over 160 UH general purpose classrooms located in 18 buildings. Ongoing maintenance is necessary for classroom educational technologies that include projectors, computers, smart podiums, videoconferencing equipment and other technologies used in the classroom.
  • Migrated all general purpose classrooms to a common technology platform.
  • Basic HyFlex technologies added to over 300 classrooms including all general purpose classrooms.
  • 50 multimodal classrooms which include advanced HyFlex functionality were installed in buildings throughout the main campus, UH at Sugar Land and UH at Katy locations.
  • A multimodal development and testing classroom was installed for use by faculty to support professional development, course content creation, and technology testing.
  • Published Audiovisual design standards to provide consistent learning spaces throughout the campus.
  • Restructured the academic support team to increase classroom support and help faculty improve skills with instructional technologies.
  • Transitioned from the Blackboard learning management system to Canvas to better support students with special learning needs.

By the Numbers - 2024


  • Collaborate with academic leaders at the individual, departmental, institutional and system level to identify critical technologies.
  • Collaborate with Facilities over the next six to eight years as part of the Classroom Refresh initiative to renovate classrooms with the latest technologies.
  • Collaborate with departmental technology staff to standardize technology and its support processes to provide consistent faculty experience.


  • Engage faculty members and key instructional partners to collaborate and guide the development of new learning spaces.
  • Transition general purpose classrooms to remote monitoring, diagnostic and maintenance applications to allow for real-time remote classroom support.
  • Provide remote monitoring and support tools to departmental IT support staff.
  • Offer faculty development programs focusing on use of classroom and online learning platforms to engage students in the traditional classroom environment, online and in hybrid learning.
  • Promote new technologies that support Microsoft Teams and Zoom.
  • Transform general purpose classrooms by implementing technology enhancements.

Equipment Repairs metrics